Saturday 31 August 2013

Benefits of Predictive Analytics and Data Mining Services

Predictive Analytics is the process of dealing with variety of data and apply various mathematical formulas to discover the best decision for a given situation. Predictive analytics gives your company a competitive edge and can be used to improve ROI substantially. It is the decision science that removes guesswork out of the decision-making process and applies proven scientific guidelines to find right solution in the shortest time possible.

Predictive analytics can be helpful in answering questions like:

    Who are most likely to respond to your offer?
    Who are most likely to ignore?
    Who are most likely to discontinue your service?
    How much a consumer will spend on your product?
    Which transaction is a fraud?
    Which insurance claim is a fraudulent?
    What resource should I dedicate at a given time?

Benefits of Data mining include:

    Better understanding of customer behavior propels better decision
    Profitable customers can be spotted fast and served accordingly
    Generate more business by reaching hidden markets
    Target your Marketing message more effectively
    Helps in minimizing risk and improves ROI.
    Improve profitability by detecting abnormal patterns in sales, claims, transactions etc
    Improved customer service and confidence
    Significant reduction in Direct Marketing expenses

Basic steps of Predictive Analytics are as follows:

    Spot the business problem or goal
    Explore various data sources such as transaction history, user demography, catalog details, etc)
    Extract different data patterns from the above data
    Build a sample model based on data & problem
    Classify data, find valuable factors, generate new variables
    Construct a Predictive model using sample
    Validate and Deploy this Model

Standard techniques used for it are:

    Decision Tree
    Multi-purpose Scaling
    Linear Regressions
    Logistic Regressions
    Factor Analytics
    Genetic Algorithms
    Cluster Analytics
    Product Association


Thursday 29 August 2013

Healthcare Marketing Series - Data Mining - The 21st Century Marketing Gold Rush

There is gold in them there hills! Well there is gold right within a few blocks of your office. Mining for patients, not unlike mining for gold or drilling for oil requires either great luck or great research.

It's all about the odds.

It's true that like old Jed from the Beverly Hillbillies, you might just take a shot and strike oil. But more likely you might drill a dry hole or dig a mine and find dirt not diamonds. Without research you might be a mere 2 feet from pay dirt, but drilling or mining in just the wrong spot.

Now oil companies and gold mining companies spend millions, if not, billions of dollars studying where and how to effectively find the "mother load". If market research is good enough for the big boys, it should be good enough for the healthcare provider. Remember as a health care professional you probably don't have the extras millions laying around to squander on trial and error marketing.

If you did there would be little need for you to market to find new patients to help.

In previous articles in the Health Care Marketing Series we talked about developing a marketing strategy, using metrics to measure the performance of your marketing execution, developing effective marketing warheads based on your marketing strategy, evaluating the most efficient ways to deliver those warheads, your marketing missile systems, and tying several marketing methods together into a marketing MIRV.

If you have been following along with our articles and starting to integrate the concepts detailed in them, by now you should have an excellent marketing infrastructure. Ready to launch laser guided marketing missiles tipped with nuclear marketing MIRVs. The better you have done your research, the more detailed your marketing strategy, the more effective and efficient your delivery systems, the bigger bang you'll receive from your marketing campaign. And ultimately the more lives you will help to change of patients that truly can benefit from your skills and talents as a doctor.

Sounds like you're ready for healthcare marketing shock and awe.

Everything is ready to launch, this is great, press the button and fire away!

Ah, but wait just a minute, General. What is the target? Where are they? What are the aiming coordinates?

The target? Why of course all those sick people out there.

Where are they? Well of course, out there!

The coordinates? Man just press the button, carpet bomb man. Carpet bomb!

This scenario is designed to show you how quickly the wheels can come off even the best intended marketing war machine. It brings us back full circle. We are right back to our original article on marketing strategy.

But this time we are going to introduce the concept of data mining. If you remember, our article on marketing strategy talked about doing research. We talked about research as the true cornerstone of all marketing efforts.

What is the target, General?

Answering this question is a little difficult and the truth is each healthcare provider needs to determine his or her high value target. And more importantly needs to know how to determine his or her high value targets.

Let's go back to our launch scenario to illustrate this point. Let's continue with our military analogy. Let's say we have several aircraft carriers, a few destroyers and a fleet of rowboats, making up our marketing battlefield.

As we have discussed previously, waging a marketing war, like any war, consumes resources. So do we want to launch our nuclear marketing MIRVs, the most valuable resources in our arsenal, and target the fleet of rowboats?

Or would it be wiser to target those aircraft carriers?

Well the obvious answer is "get those carriers".

But here is where things get a little tricky. One man's aircraft carrier is another man's rowboat.

You have to data mine your practice to determine which targets are high value targets.

What goes into that data mining process? Well first and foremost, what conditions do you to treat, 2. have a proven track record of treating and 3. obtain a reasonable reimbursement for treating.

In my own practice, I typically do not like or enjoy treating shoulder problems. I don't know if I don't like treating shoulders because I haven't had great results with them or if I haven't had great results, because I don't like treating them. Needless to say my reimbursement for treating shoulder cases is relatively low.

So do I really want to carpet bomb my marketing terrain and come up with 10 new cases of rotator cuff tears? These cases, for more than one reason, are my rowboats.

On the contrary, I like to treat neurological conditions like chronic pain; Neuropathy patients, Spinal Stenosis patients, Tinnitus patients, patients with Parkinson's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis patients. I've had results with these types of cases that have been good enough to publish. Because they are complex and difficult cases, I obtain a better than average reimbursement for my efforts. These cases are my aircraft carriers. If my marketing campaign brings me ten cases with these types of problems, chances are that the patient will obtain some great relief, I will find working with them an intellectual and stimulating challenge and my marketing efforts will bring me a handsome return on investment.

So the first lesson of data mining is to identify your aircraft carriers. They must be "your" aircraft carriers. You must have a good personal track record of helping these types of patients. You should enjoy treating these types of cases. And you should be rewarded for your time and expertise.

That's the first step in the process. Identifying your high value targets. The next step is THE most important aspect of healthcare marketing. As I discussed above, I enjoy working with complex neurological cases. But how many of these types of patients exist in my marketing terrain and are they looking for the type of help I can offer?

Being able to accurately answer these important questions is the single most valuable information I can extract using data mining.

It doesn't matter if I like treating these cases. It doesn't matter if I make a good living treating these cases. It doesn't matter if my success in treating these cases has made the local news. What matters is 1. do these types of cases exist in my neighborhood and 2. are they looking for the help I can provide to them?

You absolutely positively need to know who is looking for what in your marketing terrain and if what people are clamoring for is what you have to offer.

This knowledge is the most powerful tool in your marketing arsenal. It's your secret weapon. It is the foundation of your marketing strategy. It is so important that you should consider moving your office if the results of your data mining don't reveal an ocean full of aircraft carriers in your marketing terrain for you to target.

If your market research does not reveal an abundance of aircraft carriers on your horizon, you need to either 1. move to a new battlefield, 2. re-target your efforts towards the destroyers in your market or 3. try to create a market.

Let's look at your last choice. Trying to create a market. Unless you are Coke or Pepsi, your ability to create a market as a health care provider is extremely limited. To continue on with our analogy, to create a market requires converting rowboats into, at least, destroyers, but better yet aircraft carriers.

What would it cost if you took a rowboat to a ship yard and told them to rebuild it as an aircraft carrier?

This is what you face if you try to create a market where none exists. Unless you have a personality flaw and thrive on selling ice to Eskimos, creating a market is not a rewarding proposition.

So scratch this option off the table right now.

What about re-targeting your campaign towards destroyers? That's a viable option. It's a good option. It's probably your best option. It's an option that will likely give you your best return on investment. It is recommended that you focus your arsenal on the destroyers while at the same time never passing on an opportunity to sink an aircraft carrier.

So what is the secret? How do you data mine for aircraft carriers?

Well its quite simple in the internet age. Just use the services of a market research firm. I like They will do the data mining for you.

They can provide market intelligence that will tell you not only what the health care aircraft carriers are, but also where they are.

With this information, you will have a competitive advantage in your marketing battlefield. You can segment, and target high value targets in your area while your competitors squander their marketing resources on rowboats. Or even worse carpet bomb and hit ocean water, not valuable targets.

Your marketing strategy should be highly targeted. Your marketing resources should be well spent. As we discussed in our very first article on true "Marketing Strategy" you should enter the battle against your competition already knowing your have won.

What gives you this dominant position in the market, is knowing ahead-of-time, who is looking for what in your marketing terrain. In other words, not trying to create a market, but rather identifying existing market niches, specifically targeting them with laser guided precision and having headlines and ad copy based on your strength versus the weakness of your competition within that niche.

This research-based marketing strategy is sure to cause a big bang with potential patients.

And leave your competition trying to sell ice to Eskimos.

I hope you see how important market research is and why it is a good thing to spend some of your marketing budget on research before you waste your marketing resources on poorly targeted low value or no-value targets. This article was intended to give you a glimpse at how to use data mining and consumer demographics information as a foundation for the development of a scientific research-based marketing strategy. This article shows you how to use existing resources to give your marketing efforts (and you) a competitive advantage.


Outsourcing Data Entry Services to Ease Your Workload

In today's competitive environment, data entry outsourcing allows global business organizations to maintain uptime and to be competitively effective. From industries to individuals, professional to retailers all prefers to outsource their back office work to ease their workload at low market rates. these is not a difficult process but it consumes lot of time and main obstacle is that company need to hire expert people for this service.Benefits of Data Entry Outsourcing

Outsourcing give benefits you financially as well as strategically. outsourcing gives you benefits by saving time and cost which allow you to increase you business productivity. Many people prefer to outsource their work due to high level of accuracy and low level of cost. Specially trained professional from offshore countries provide you excellent services with significant suggestions. There are several advantages of data entry outsourcing some major advantages are:

    Advantage of low cost services
    Fast delivery
    Access of specialized service
    Focusing energy and workforce on your core business
    Save manpower and training costs
    Increased customer satisfaction

Data entry services include simple text entry work to alpha numerical entries requires complex calculations. To meet the high flow of work many firms use modern word processing software and hire skilled professional in fast keyboard operating.

Business process outsourcing units engaged in providing this services give quick, well-organized and secure solutions to retain their place in competitive outsourcing market. Many organizations provide high level of accuracy with complete confidentiality. These companies also utilize the services of proofreaders in an effort to give high accurate service.

Whether you are a globally operating organization or simple in-house freelancer data entry outsourcing can become your strategic partner to achieve organizational excellence and enjoy business success.

Offshore companies provide data entry and financial services like document management, data processing, data conversion, document conversion, scanning and indexing, data cleaning services with use of latest software. Many organizations have in-house research team constantly looking for new ways to increase productivity and effectiveness.


Wednesday 28 August 2013

Data Entry Services From India - Definitely Boon-Rich

Whatever the opinion of the US presidency concerning outsourcing to India, the practice is sure to continue for a long, long time. The monetary benefits from outsourcing become crystal clear when you look at this statistic for the pay of entry level accountants. For a US worker, the hourly wage is $23 but for a company in India, it is only $11.22. The scope of data entry services from India is really wide with centers in the country offering their assistance for finance, academic, insurance, healthcare, website and legal related applications of these services. Read more of this article and understand why outsourcing of the back office task to the world's largest democracy is definitely boon rich.

Data Entry Services from India - the Benefits

The first important benefit as discussed in the first paragraph is the monetary benefit. US companies can cut their operating expenses by at least 30 percent when they outsource to India. This is because of the reduced operating expenses of companies in India, which in turn is because of the lower costs for leases, rents, utility rates, taxes and so on. More benefits are discussed below:

• Experts in the English language - India excels many other countries in English language competence. Thus use of language in the output and communication is not a problem. A lot of companies in India are giving their staff training in US accent, so that too is not a problem.

• Advantageous Time Difference - Some people may see the time difference between the US and India as disadvantageous because they wouldn't be working at the same time. However, the time difference is actually advantageous because US companies can function for more number of hours. When the employees of the US companies sleep, the employees of the Indian companies would be hard at work to finish the back office task by the specified deadline.

• Quality Output - You can expect to get practically error-free output from the country because of the employees being highly educated. These employees (a lot of them in the 16 to 25 age group) also have exceptional knowledge of software and other Information Technology. Quality levels are consistently maintained through the process of double entry which is very beneficial in identifying and correcting arbitrary miskeyed strokes that even experienced data entry staff would miss.

• Reduce Risks - Indian providers of data entry services are known for their expertise. So while you're busy taking care of your everyday core business responsibilities, they're giving you error-free output that can reduce error-related risks for your business.

• Favorable Turnaround - This is a benefit which many Indian business process outsourcing companies highlight on their websites. Whatever the volume of your project, it would be within a favorable turnaround without compromising quality.

More Advantageous Services

It's not just data entry services but also medical transcription, medical billing and coding, website design, search engine optimization, call center operations and other services from India which are boon rich. Companies across the globe know this and continue to benefit from the fact.


Tuesday 27 August 2013

Innovative Online Data Entry Services

Number of companies providing data entry services has increased in the last few years. These companies also provide services on online and offline data-entry and data processing, etc. Data Entry is to enter any form of data into computerized inventory. It could be done by typing at a keyboard plus electronically entering information into the machine.

These companies have updated technologies, unique processes and efficient data processing by integrating skilled professionals. These companies deliver high-quality services with complete accuracy, efficiency plus effectiveness. They provide services through reliable and secure online platform with the help of encrypted FTP upload CD-R or CD-W or E-mail. Adopting this technology customers get an assurance that their information is free from any sort of unauthorized access, copying or downloading. Companies specializing in such services provide a broad spectrum of services fulfilling each customer specific needs.

Few of these services are listed as follows: surveys, online copying, pasting, sorting, editing, and organizing data, questionnaires, online form processing and filing, reports and submissions, online medical and legal data entry, data collection, mailing list / mailing label, email mining, typing the manuscript in MS Word, etc. Outsourcing of the documentation of the work is a workable and a reasonable option.

Such services includes a wide range of back office and BPO - Business Process Outsourcing and ITO - Information Technology Outsourcing enabled data processing services.

Online data input services provided by India have earned a global recognition for its superior quality and timely completion of its work. Saving time is crucial for each organization running its business. Qualitative output is produced in lesser time which is advantageous for using the time at other important places. By availing such services one can save on cost of hiring trained professionals. More services could be availed within the saved cost.

Talking about the role of online data processing services, as the requirements of high quality and accurate data-entry of textual and numeric data processing business needs is most needed. In this way, companies can save valuable time and money by entering information online reduces. You can also consult experts who have vast experience and knowledge about online entry of data.

With the help of these services, mostly many business processing companies are able to focus on their core activates through online services. This kind of services require speed, analytical skills, domain expertise and industry experience. Choosing right outsourcing partner can save you cost and time significantly.


Monday 26 August 2013

Business Intelligence Data Mining

Data mining can be technically defined as the automated extraction of hidden information from large databases for predictive analysis. In other words, it is the retrieval of useful information from large masses of data, which is also presented in an analyzed form for specific decision-making.

Data mining requires the use of mathematical algorithms and statistical techniques integrated with software tools. The final product is an easy-to-use software package that can be used even by non-mathematicians to effectively analyze the data they have. Data Mining is used in several applications like market research, consumer behavior, direct marketing, bioinformatics, genetics, text analysis, fraud detection, web site personalization, e-commerce, healthcare, customer relationship management, financial services and telecommunications.

Business intelligence data mining is used in market research, industry research, and for competitor analysis. It has applications in major industries like direct marketing, e-commerce, customer relationship management, healthcare, the oil and gas industry, scientific tests, genetics, telecommunications, financial services and utilities. BI uses various technologies like data mining, scorecarding, data warehouses, text mining, decision support systems, executive information systems, management information systems and geographic information systems for analyzing useful information for business decision making.

Business intelligence is a broader arena of decision-making that uses data mining as one of the tools. In fact, the use of data mining in BI makes the data more relevant in application. There are several kinds of data mining: text mining, web mining, social networks data mining, relational databases, pictorial data mining, audio data mining and video data mining, that are all used in business intelligence applications.

Some data mining tools used in BI are: decision trees, information gain, probability, probability density functions, Gaussians, maximum likelihood estimation, Gaussian Baves classification, cross-validation, neural networks, instance-based learning /case-based/ memory-based/non-parametric, regression algorithms, Bayesian networks, Gaussian mixture models, K-means and hierarchical clustering, Markov models and so on.


Friday 23 August 2013

What Poker Data Mining Can Do for a Player

Anyone who wants to be more successful in many poker rooms online should take a look at what poker data mining can do. Poker data mining involves looking into all of the past hands in a series of poker games. This can be used to help with reviewing the ways how a player plays the game of poker. This will help to determine how well someone is working when trying to play this exciting game.

Poker data mining works in that a player will review all of the past hands that a player has gotten into. This includes taking a look at the individual hands that were involved. Every single card, bet and movement will be recorded in a hand.

All of the hands can be combined to help with figuring out the wins and losses in a game alongside all of the strategies that had been used throughout the course of a game. The analysis will be used to determine how well a player has gone in a game.

The review will be used to figure out the changes in one's winnings over the course of time. This can be used in conjunction with different types of things that are going on in a game and how the game is being played. This will be used to help figure out what is going on in a game and to see what should be done correctly and what should not be handled.

The data mining that is used is handled by a variety of different kinds of online poker sites. Many of these sites will allow its customers to buy information on various previous hands that they have gotten into. This is used by all of these places as a means of helping to figure out how well a player has done in a game.

Not all places are going to offer support for poker data mining. Some of these places will refuse to work with it due to how they might feel that poker data mining will give a player an unfair advantage over other players who are not willing to pay for it. The standards that these poker rooms will have are going to vary. It helps to review policies of different places when looking to use this service.

Poker data mining can prove to be a beneficial function for anyone to handle. Poker data mining can be smart because of how it can help to get anyone to figure out how one's hand histories are working in a poker room. It will be important to see that this is not accepted in all places though. Be sure to watch for this when playing the game of poker and looking to succeed in it.


Thursday 22 August 2013

Data Mining Social Networks, Smart Phone Data, and Other Data Base, Yet Maintaining Privacy

Is it possible to data mine social networks in such a way to does not hurt the privacy of the individual user, and if so, can we justify doing such? It wasn't too long ago the CEO of Google stated that it was important that they were able to keep data of Google searches so they can find disease, flu, and food born medical clusters. By using this data and studying the regions in the searches to help fight against outbreaks of diseases, or food borne illnesses in the distribution system. This is one good reason to store the data, and collect it for research, as long as it is anonomized, then theoretically no one is hurt.

Unfortunately, this also scares the users, because they know if the searches are indeed stored, this data can be used against them in the future, for instance, higher insurance rates, bombardment of advertising, or get them put onto some sort of future government "thought police" watch-list. Especially considering all the political correctness, and new ways of defining hate speech, bullying, and what is, what isn't, and what might be a domestically home-grown terrorist. The future concept of the thought police is very scary to most folks.

Usually if you want to collect data from a user, you have to give them something back in return, and therefore they are willing to sign away certain privacy rights on that data in trade for the use of such services; such as on their cell phone, perhaps a free iPhone app or a virtual product in an online social network.

Artificially Intelligent Search Features

It is no surprised that AI search features are getting smarter, even able to anticipate your next search question, or what you are really trying to ask, even second guessing your question for instance. Now then, let's discuss this for a moment. Many folks very much enjoy the features of search features, which use artificial intelligence to recommend potential other books, which they might be interested in. And therefore the user probably does not mind giving away information about itself, for this upgraded service or ability, nor would the person mind having cookies put onto their Web browser.

Nevertheless, these types of systems are always exploited for other purposes. For instance consider the Federal Trade Commission's do not call list, and consider how many corporations, political party organizations, and all of their affiliates and partners were able to bypass these rules due to the fact that the consumer or customer had bought something from them in the last six months. This is not what consumers or customers had in mind when they decided they wanted to have this "do not call list" and the resultant and response from the market place, well, it proves we cannot trust the telecommunication companies, their lobbyists, or the insiders within their group (many of which over the years have indeed been somehow connected to the intelligence agencies - AT&T - NSA Echelon for example.)

Now then, this article is in no way to be considered a conspiracy theory, it is just a known fact, yes national security does need access to such information, and often it might be relevant, catching bad guys, terrorists, spies, etc. The NSA is to protect the American People. However, when it comes to the telecommunication companies, their job is to protect shareholder's equity, maximize quarterly profits, expand their business models, and create new profit centers in their corporations.

Thus, such user data will be and has been exploited for future profits against the wishes of the consumer, without the consumer benefiting from free services for lower prices in any way. If there is an explained reason, trade-off, and a monetary consideration, the consumer might feel obliged to have additional calls bothering them while they are at home, additional advertising, and tracking of their preferences for ease of use and suggestions. What types of suggestions?

Well, there is a Starbucks two-blocks from here, turn right, then turn left and it is 200 yards, with parking available; "Sale on Frappachinos for gold-card holders today!" In this case the telecommunication company tracks your location, knows your preferences, and collects a small fee from Starbucks, and you get a free-phone, and 20% off your monthly 4G wireless fee. Is that something a consumer might want; when asked 75% of consumers or smart phone users say; yes. See that point?

In the future smart phones may have data transferred between them, rather than going through a given or closest cell tower. In other words, packets of information may go from your cell phone, to the next nearest cell phone, to another near cell phone, to the person which is intended to receive it. And the data passing through each mobile device, will not be able to read any of the information which was it is not assigned to receive as it wasn't sent to it. By using such a scheme telecommunication companies can expand their services without building more new cell towers, and therefore they can lower the price.

However, it also means that when you lay your cell phone on the table, and it is turned on it would be constantly passing data through it, data which is not yours, and you are not getting paid for that, even though you had to purchase the smart phone. But if the phone was given to you, with a large battery, so it wouldn't go dead during all those transmissions, you probably wouldn't care, as long as your data packets of information were indeed safe and no one else could read them.

This technology exists now, and is being discussed, and consider if you will that the whole strategy of networking smart cell phones or personal tech devices together is nothing new. For instance, the same strategies have been designed for satellites, and to use an analogy, this scheme is very similar to the strategies FedEx uses when it sends packages to the next nearest FedEx office if that is their destination, without sending all of the packages all the way across the country to the central Memphis sort, and then all the way back again. They are saving time, fuel, space, and energy, and if cell phones did this it would save the telecommunication companies mega bucks in the savings of building new cell towers.

As long as you got a free cell phone, which many of us do, unless we have the mega top of the line edition, and if they gave you a long-lasting free battery it is win-win for the user. You probably wouldn't care, and the telecommunication companies could most likely lower the cost of services, and not need to upgrade their system, because they can carry a lot more data, without hundreds of billions of dollars in future investments.

Also a net centric system like this is safer to disruption in the event of an emergency, when emergency communications systems take precedence, putting every cell phone user as secondary traffic at the cell towers, which means their calls may not even get through.

Next, the last thing the telecommunication company would want to do is to data mine that data, or those packets of information from people like a soccer mom calling her son waiting at the bus stop at school. And anyone with a cell phone certainly wouldn't want their packets of information being stolen from them and rerouted because someone near them hacked into the system and had a cell phone that was displaying all of their information.

You can see the problems with all this, but you can also see the incredible economies of scale by making each and every cell phone a transmitter and receiver, which it already is in principle anyway, at least now for all data you send and receive. In the new system, if all the data which is closest by is able to transfer through it, and send that data on its way. The receiving cell phone would wait for all the packets of data were in, and then display the information.

You can see why such a system also might cause people to have a problem with it because of what they call net neutrality. If someone was downloading a movie onto their iPad using a 3G or 4G wireless network, it could tie up all the cell phones nearby that were moving the data through them. In this case, it might upset consumers, but if that traffic could be somewhat delayed by priority based on an AI algorithm decision matrix, something simple, then such a tactic for packet distribution plan might allow for this to occur without disruption from the actual cell tower, meaning everyone would be better off. Therefore we all get information flow faster, more dispersed, and therefore safer from intruders. Please consider all this.


Wednesday 21 August 2013

Benefits and Advantages of Data Mining

One definition given to data mining is the categorization of information according to the needs and preferences of the user. In data mining, you try to find patterns within a big volume of available data. It is a potent and popular technology for different industries. Data mining can even be compared to the difficult task of looking for a needle in the haystack. The greatest challenge is not obtaining information but uncovering connections and information that have not been known in the past.

Yet, data mining tools can only be utilized efficiently provided you possess huge amounts of information in repository. Almost all of corporate organizations already hold this information. One good example is the list of potential clients for marketing purposes. These are the consumers to whom you can sell commodities or services. You have greater chances of generating more revenues if you know these potential customers in the inventory and determine consumption behavior. There are benefits that you need to know regarding data mining.

    Data mining is not only for entrepreneurs. The process is cut out for analysis as well and can be employed by government agencies, non-profit organizations, and basketball teams. In short, the data must be made more specific and refined according to the needs of the group concerned.

    This unique method can be used along with demographics. Data mining combined with demographics enables enterprises to pursue the advertising strategy for specific segments of customers. That form of advertising that is related directly to behavior.

    It has a flexible nature and can be used by business organizations that focus on the needs of customers. Data mining is one of the more relevant services because of the fast-paced and instant access to information together with techniques in economic processing.

However, you need to prepare ahead of time the data used for mining. It is essential to understand the principles of clustering and segmentation. These two elements play a vital part in marketing campaigns and customer interface. These components encompass the purchasing conduct of consumers over a particular duration. You will be able to separate your customers into categories based on the earnings brought to your company. It is possible to determine the income that these customers will generate and retention opportunities. Simply remember that nearly all profit-oriented entities will desire to maintain high-value and low-risk clients. The target is to ensure that these customers keep on buying for the long-term.


Tuesday 20 August 2013

Data Mining - Critical for Businesses to Tap the Unexplored Market

Knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) is an emerging field and is increasingly gaining importance in today's business. The knowledge discovery process, however, is vast, involving understanding of the business and its requirements, data selection, processing, mining and evaluation or interpretation; it does not have any pre-defined set of rules to go about solving a problem. Among the other stages, the data mining process holds high importance as the task involves identification of new patterns that have not been detected earlier from the dataset. This is relatively a broad concept involving web mining, text mining, online mining etc.

What Data Mining is and what it is not?

The data mining is the process of extracting information, which has been collected, analyzed and prepared, from the dataset and identifying new patterns from that information. At this juncture, it is also important to understand what it is not. The concept is often misunderstood for knowledge gathering, processing, analysis and interpretation/ inference derivation. While these processes are absolutely not data mining, they are very much necessary for its successful implementation.

The 'First-mover Advantage'

One of the major goals of the data mining process is to identify an unknown or rather unexplored segment that had always existed in the business or industry, but was overlooked. The process, when done meticulously using appropriate techniques, could even make way for niche segments providing companies the first-mover advantage. In any industry, the first-mover would bag the maximum benefits and exploit resources besides setting standards for other players to follow. The whole process is thus considered to be a worthy approach to identify unknown segments.

The online knowledge collection and research is the concept involving many complications and, therefore, outsourcing the data mining services often proves viable for large companies that cannot devote time for the task. Outsourcing the web mining services or text mining services would save an organization's productive time which would otherwise be spent in researching.

The data mining algorithms and challenges

Every data mining task follows certain algorithms using statistical methods, cluster analysis or decision tree techniques. However, there is no single universally accepted technique that can be adopted for all. Rather, the process completely depends on the nature of the business, industry and its requirements. Thus, appropriate methods have to be chosen depending upon the business operations.

The whole process is a subset of knowledge discovery process and as such involves different challenges. Analysis and preparation of dataset is very crucial as the well-researched material could assist in extracting only the relevant yet unidentified information useful for the business. Hence, the analysis of the gathered material and preparation of dataset, which also considers industrial standards during the process, would consume more time and labor. Investment is another major challenge in the process as it involves huge cost on deploying professionals with adequate domain knowledge plus knowledge on statistical and technological aspects.

The importance of maintaining a comprehensive database prompted the need for data mining which, in turn, paved way for niche concepts. Though the concept has been present for years now, companies faced with ever growing competition have realized its importance only in the recent years. Besides being relevant, the dataset from where the information is actually extracted also has to be sufficient enough so as to pull out and identify a new dimension. Yet, a standardized approach would result in better understanding and implementation of the newly identified patterns.


Saturday 17 August 2013

Data Extraction - A Guideline to Use Scrapping Tools Effectively

So many people around the world do not have much knowledge about these scrapping tools. In their views, mining means extracting resources from the earth. In these internet technology days, the new mined resource is data. There are so many data mining software tools are available in the internet to extract specific data from the web. Every company in the world has been dealing with tons of data, managing and converting this data into a useful form is a real hectic work for them. If this right information is not available at the right time a company will lose valuable time to making strategic decisions on this accurate information.

This type of situation will break opportunities in the present competitive market. However, in these situations, the data extraction and data mining tools will help you to take the strategic decisions in right time to reach your goals in this competitive business. There are so many advantages with these tools that you can store customer information in a sequential manner, you can know the operations of your competitors, and also you can figure out your company performance. And it is a critical job to every company to have this information at fingertips when they need this information.

To survive in this competitive business world, this data extraction and data mining are critical in operations of the company. There is a powerful tool called Website scraper used in online digital mining. With this toll, you can filter the data in internet and retrieves the information for specific needs. This scrapping tool is used in various fields and types are numerous. Research, surveillance, and the harvesting of direct marketing leads is just a few ways the website scraper assists professionals in the workplace.

Screen scrapping tool is another tool which useful to extract the data from the web. This is much helpful when you work on the internet to mine data to your local hard disks. It provides a graphical interface allowing you to designate Universal Resource Locator, data elements to be extracted, and scripting logic to traverse pages and work with mined data. You can use this tool as periodical intervals. By using this tool, you can download the database in internet to you spread sheets. The important one in scrapping tools is Data mining software, it will extract the large amount of information from the web, and it will compare that date into a useful format. This tool is used in various sectors of business, especially, for those who are creating leads, budget establishing seeing the competitors charges and analysis the trends in online. With this tool, the information is gathered and immediately uses for your business needs.

Another best scrapping tool is e mailing scrapping tool, this tool crawls the public email addresses from various web sites. You can easily from a large mailing list with this tool. You can use these mailing lists to promote your product through online and proposals sending an offer for related business and many more to do. With this toll, you can find the targeted customers towards your product or potential business parents. This will allows you to expand your business in the online market.

There are so many well established and esteemed organizations are providing these features free of cost as the trial offer to customers. If you want permanent services, you need to pay nominal fees. You can download these services from their valuable web sites also.


Friday 16 August 2013

Basics of Online Web Research, Web Mining & Data Extraction Services

The evolution of the World Wide Web and Search engines has brought the abundant and ever growing pile of data and information on our finger tips. It has now become a popular and important resource for doing information research and analysis.

Today, Web research services are becoming more and more complicated. It involves various factors such as business intelligence and web interaction to deliver desired results.

Web Researchers can retrieve web data using search engines (keyword queries) or browsing specific web resources. However, these methods are not effective. Keyword search gives a large chunk of irrelevant data. Since each webpage contains several outbound links it is difficult to extract data by browsing too.

Web mining is classified into web content mining, web usage mining and web structure mining. Content mining focuses on the search and retrieval of information from web. Usage mining extract and analyzes user behavior. Structure mining deals with the structure of hyperlinks.

Web mining services can be divided into three subtasks:

Information Retrieval (IR): The purpose of this subtask is to automatically find all relevant information and filter out irrelevant ones. It uses various Search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc and other resources to find the required information.

Generalization: The goal of this subtask is to explore users' interest using data extraction methods such as clustering and association rules. Since web data are dynamic and inaccurate, it is difficult to apply traditional data mining techniques directly on the raw data.

Data Validation (DV): It tries to uncover knowledge from the data provided by former tasks. Researcher can test various models, simulate them and finally validate given web information for consistency.


Thursday 15 August 2013

Time Saving and Money Saving Data Entry Services

If you have an organization than data-entry is definitely the section with which you have to deal. The main concern for any organization which hires data entry services is flexibility and value for money. People need services which provide fast accurate entry of any form of hand-written data.

Data entry is very straight forward work but requires enough man force. As a result, many companies prefer to outsource data entry services to offshore countries. Company just have to find reliable data-entry partner from offshore countries which provides accurate data-entry services at most affordable prices.

As competition grows, many data-entry firms from offshore countries gives the most competitive prices for data-entry services. Outsourcing is not a new concept and having vast market doing outsourcing work. If you are looking for outsourcing data-entry work than India is the best outsourcing destination.

Many firms in India has enough experience with data entry projects which gives the best possible data-entry solutions from advanced data-entry tools. Daily, number of companies wants to move their paper documents into electronic format. All these firms in offshore countries give data entry services from qualified and well trained data-entry professionals. Their experienced and professional team of data-entry is highly trained in handling and obtaining large quantities of data in the minimal time possible. Outsourcing data entry and document processing work will save your valuable time and money. Utilizing this time and money you will be able to concentrate on your more important parts of your business leads you to high profit in best time.

Effective policies leads business to continue progress and survive them in today's highly competitive market. As in many cases, non-core activities are creating headaches in the path of progress, it is also an essential to finish them accurately as they provide assistance to core business.

So with choosing outsourcing less important data-entry work as a business strategy, allow you to create more attention on your core business activities.


Tuesday 13 August 2013

Collecting Data With Web Scrapers

There is a large amount of data available only through websites. However, as many people have found out, trying to copy data into a usable database or spreadsheet directly out of a website can be a tiring process. Data entry from internet sources can quickly become cost prohibitive as the required hours add up. Clearly, an automated method for collating information from HTML-based sites can offer huge management cost savings.

Web scrapers are programs that are able to aggregate information from the internet. They are capable of navigating the web, assessing the contents of a site, and then pulling data points and placing them into a structured, working database or spreadsheet. Many companies and services will use programs to web scrape, such as comparing prices, performing online research, or tracking changes to online content.

Let's take a look at how web scrapers can aid data collection and management for a variety of purposes.

Improving On Manual Entry Methods

Using a computer's copy and paste function or simply typing text from a site is extremely inefficient and costly. Web scrapers are able to navigate through a series of websites, make decisions on what is important data, and then copy the info into a structured database, spreadsheet, or other program. Software packages include the ability to record macros by having a user perform a routine once and then have the computer remember and automate those actions. Every user can effectively act as their own programmer to expand the capabilities to process websites. These applications can also interface with databases in order to automatically manage information as it is pulled from a website.

Aggregating Information

There are a number of instances where material stored in websites can be manipulated and stored. For example, a clothing company that is looking to bring their line of apparel to retailers can go online for the contact information of retailers in their area and then present that information to sales personnel to generate leads. Many businesses can perform market research on prices and product availability by analyzing online catalogues.

Data Management

Managing figures and numbers is best done through spreadsheets and databases; however, information on a website formatted with HTML is not readily accessible for such purposes. While websites are excellent for displaying facts and figures, they fall short when they need to be analyzed, sorted, or otherwise manipulated. Ultimately, web scrapers are able to take the output that is intended for display to a person and change it to numbers that can be used by a computer. Furthermore, by automating this process with software applications and macros, entry costs are severely reduced.

This type of data management is also effective at merging different information sources. If a company were to purchase research or statistical information, it could be scraped in order to format the information into a database. This is also highly effective at taking a legacy system's contents and incorporating them into today's systems.


Monday 12 August 2013

Beneficial Data Collection Services

Internet is becoming the biggest source for information gathering. Varieties of search engines are available over the World Wide Web which helps in searching any kind of information easily and quickly. Every business needs relevant data for their decision making for which market research plays a crucial role. One of the services booming very fast is the data collection services. This data mining service helps in gathering relevant data which is hugely needed for your business or personal use.

Traditionally, data collection has been done manually which is not very feasible in case of bulk data requirement. Although people still use manual copying and pasting of data from Web pages or download a complete Web site which is shear wastage of time and effort. Instead, a more reliable and convenient method is automated data collection technique. There is a web scraping techniques that crawls through thousands of web pages for the specified topic and simultaneously incorporates this information into a database, XML file, CSV file, or other custom format for future reference. Few of the most commonly used web data extraction processes are websites which provide you information about the competitor's pricing and featured data; spider is a government portal that helps in extracting the names of citizens for an investigation; websites which have variety of downloadable images.

Aside, there is a more sophisticated method of automated data collection service. Here, you can easily scrape the web site information on daily basis automatically. This method greatly helps you in discovering the latest market trends, customer behavior and the future trends. Few of the major examples of automated data collection solutions are price monitoring information; collection of data of various financial institutions on a daily basis; verification of different reports on a constant basis and use them for taking better and progressive business decisions.

While using these service make sure you use the right procedure. Like when you are retrieving data download it in a spreadsheet so that the analysts can do the comparison and analysis properly. This will also help in getting accurate results in a faster and more refined manner.


Saturday 10 August 2013

Web Data Extraction Services and Data Collection Form Website Pages

For any business market research and surveys plays crucial role in strategic decision making. Web scrapping and data extraction techniques help you find relevant information and data for your business or personal use. Most of the time professionals manually copy-paste data from web pages or download a whole website resulting in waste of time and efforts.

Instead, consider using web scraping techniques that crawls through thousands of website pages to extract specific information and simultaneously save this information into a database, CSV file, XML file or any other custom format for future reference.

Examples of web data extraction process include:
• Spider a government portal, extracting names of citizens for a survey
• Crawl competitor websites for product pricing and feature data
• Use web scraping to download images from a stock photography site for website design

Automated Data Collection
Web scraping also allows you to monitor website data changes over stipulated period and collect these data on a scheduled basis automatically. Automated data collection helps you discover market trends, determine user behavior and predict how data will change in near future.

Examples of automated data collection include:
• Monitor price information for select stocks on hourly basis
• Collect mortgage rates from various financial firms on daily basis
• Check whether reports on constant basis as and when required

Using web data extraction services you can mine any data related to your business objective, download them into a spreadsheet so that they can be analyzed and compared with ease.

In this way you get accurate and quicker results saving hundreds of man-hours and money!

With web data extraction services you can easily fetch product pricing information, sales leads, mailing database, competitors data, profile data and many more on a consistent basis.


Wednesday 7 August 2013

Usefulness of Web Scraping Services

For any business or organization, surveys and market research play important roles in the strategic decision-making process. Data extraction and web scraping techniques are important tools that find relevant data and information for your personal or business use. Many companies employ people to copy-paste data manually from the web pages. This process is very reliable but very costly as it results to time wastage and effort. This is so because the data collected is less compared to the resources spent and time taken to gather such data.

Nowadays, various data mining companies have developed effective web scraping techniques that can crawl over thousands of websites and their pages to harvest particular information. The information extracted is then stored into a CSV file, database, XML file, or any other source with the required format. After the data has been collected and stored, data mining process can be used to extract the hidden patterns and trends contained in the data. By understanding the correlations and patterns in the data; policies can be formulated and thereby aiding the decision-making process. The information can also be stored for future reference.

The following are some of the common examples of data extraction process:

• Scrap through a government portal in order to extract the names of the citizens who are reliable for a given survey.
• Scraping competitor websites for feature data and product pricing
• Using web scraping to download videos and images for stock photography site or for website design

Automated Data Collection
It is important to note that web scraping process allows a company to monitor the website data changes over a given time frame. It also collects the data on a routine basis regularly. Automated data collection techniques are quite important as they help companies to discover customer trends and market trends. By determining market trends, it is possible to understand the customer behavior and predict the likelihood of how the data will change.

The following are some of the examples of the automated data collection:

• Monitoring price information for the particular stocks on hourly basis
• Collecting mortgage rates from the various financial institutions on the daily basis
• Checking on weather reports on regular basis as required

By using web scraping services it is possible to extract any data that is related to your business. The data can then be downloaded into a spreadsheet or a database for it to be analyzed and compared. Storing the data in a database or in a required format makes it easier for interpretation and understanding of the correlations and for identification of the hidden patterns.

Through web scraping it is possible to get quicker and accurate results and thus saving many resources in terms of money and time. With data extraction services, it is possible to fetch information about pricing, mailing, database, profile data, and competitors data on a consistent basis. With the emergence of professional data mining companies outsourcing your services will greatly reduce your costs and at the same time you are assured of high quality services.


Monday 5 August 2013

Data Entry Services For the Dynamic Webmaster

Data Entry Services is a fast growing industry. The universe of business is dynamic, fast paced, and in continual flux. In such an atmosphere the accessibility of precise, comprehensive information is a necessity. It is irrelevant whether you are a small business or a rambling universal empire, as information is an advantage in any set-up. The further you identify about the market, your consumers or trade, and other factors that power a corporation, the superior you can understand your own business.

There is typically an awe-inspiring quantity of DE required in accordance to development. In addition, DE services are also a requirement in this age of information, as information is vital in any organization. The need for data entry services is at a climax now as there are quite a lot of processes and confrontations present in any business today - these challenges include amalgamations, acquisitions, and new technological development.

The ease of access, value and assortment of information that an institute has at its removal are becoming gradually more imperative to consumers. Few of the examples of DE services are: data entry from manufactured goods catalogs to website based systems; data entry from hard/soft copy to any database layout; insurance claims entry; PDF document indexing; online data capture; data input from images; online order input and tracking; creation of novel databases; and postings to accessible databases for financing institutions, airlines, government bureau's, uninterrupted marketing services and service contributors; Web-based indexed documents retrieval services; help and assistance; mailing lists; data mining and warehousing; information cleansing; audio transcriptions; officially permitted documents; indexing of checks and documents; hand written card entry; online completion of surveys and reactions of consumers for an assortment of clients, at call centers and so on. The list is perceptibly never ending. A further attribute of the popular data entry services which can be carried out from a home office is entries for accounting or bookkeeping businesses.


Sunday 4 August 2013

Preference to Offshore Document Data Entry Services

A number or business organizations if different industries are seeking competent and precise document data entry services to maintain their business records safe for future references. Document data entry has advanced as a quickly developing and active industry structure almost accept in all major companies of the world. The companies doing businesses these days are undergoing rapid changes and therefore the need for services is becoming all the more crucial.

To get success you need to accomplish more understanding about the market, your business, clients as well as the prevailing factors that influence your business. A considerable amount of document is in one or the other way included in this entire process. These services is helpful in taking crucial decisions for the organization. It also provides you a standard in understanding the current and future business status of your company.

In this information age data-entry from documents and data conversion have become important elements for most business houses. The requirement for document services has reached zenith since companies work on processes like business merger and acquisitions, as well as new technology developments. In such scenarios having access to the right kind of data at the right time is very crucial and that is why companies opt for reliable services.

These services covers a range of professional business oriented activities such as document plus image processing to image editing as well as catalog processing. A few noteworthy examples of from documents include: PDF document indexing, insurance claim entry, online data capture as well as creating new databases. These services are important in industries like insurance companies, banks, government departments and airlines.

Companies such as Offshore and outsource and others offer an entire gamut of first rate data services. Actually, getting services from documents offshore to developing yet competent countries like India has made the process highly economical plus quality driven too.

Business giants around the world have realized multiple advantages associated in Offshore-Data-Entry. Companies not only prosper because of quality services but are also benefited because of better turn around time, maintaining confidentiality of data as well as economic rates.

Though the company works in all form of documents, there are few below mentioned areas where it specializes:

• Document data entry
• Document data entry conversion
• Document data processing
• Document data capture services
• Web data extraction
• Document scanning indexing

Since reputable companies like Offshore Data-Entry hire only well qualified and trained candidates work satisfaction is guaranteed. There are several steps involved in the quality check (QC) process and therefore accuracy level is maintained to 99.995% ensuring that the end result is delivered to the client far beyond his expectation.


Saturday 3 August 2013

Data Entry Outsourcing - 6 Key Benefits of Outsourced Data Entry

The effective data typing services are must and have to outsource because of globalization. Without information, no company can go ahead and become successful. At every point of making decisions, proper information is essential. So data is one of the most important parts in any organization. There must be proper management to keep the business running smoothly and effectively.

If you want reliable source for data handling, hire typing service company to outsource data entry task. Currently, solutions for every type of business needs are available at reasonable rate. As business grow, it is very hard to manage huge information. So, companies are turning to data entry outsourcing.

Here are the key benefits of data entry outsourcing:

1. All-in-One: data entry firms are offering numbers of services like, data processing, scanning, information formatting, document conversion, indexing and others. They also understand your requirement and deliver the output required format such as Word, Excel, JPG, HTML, XML and Other.

2. Resolve the Issues: As company grows, there are many issues arise like information about employees, benefits, healthcare for them, tuning with rapidly changing technologies, latest business information and others. If organization outsources some of their responsibilities, various issues get resolved quickly and automatically.

3. Better Services: You can expect superior data management and high quality services from outsourcing companies. They have experienced and skilled professionals with latest technologies to deliver unexpected result and stay ahead of other.

4. Least Cost: You can lower down your capital cost of infrastructure and other cost of salary, stationery and other, if you outsource data typing task. Through offshore companies, you can easily save up to 60% on data typing services.

5. Higher Efficiency: If your employees are free from routine and uninteresting process of entering information, they can deliver better result. Ultimately, this can increase the job satisfaction level and efficiency. You can expect high output at lower costs.

6. Place of Outsourcing: You must think about the outsourcing country. India is chosen by various companies for data typing outsourcing. At India, you can get benefits of better quality, enough infrastructure, quick delivery, skilled experts at very low rates.

You can easily reduce tons of time-consuming and boring responsibilities by outsourcing.


Thursday 1 August 2013

Data Mining Explained

Data mining is the crucial process of extracting implicit and possibly useful information from data. It uses analytical and visualization techniques to explore and present information in a format which is easily understandable by humans.

Data mining is widely used in a variety of profiling practices, such as fraud detection, marketing research, surveys and scientific discovery.

In this article I will briefly explain some of the fundamentals and its applications in the real world.

Herein I will not discuss related processes of any sorts, including Data Extraction and Data Structuring.

The Effort
Data Mining has found its application in various fields such as financial institutions, health-care & bio-informatics, business intelligence, social networks data research and many more.

Businesses use it to understand consumer behavior, analyze buying patterns of clients and expand its marketing efforts. Banks and financial institutions use it to detect credit card frauds by recognizing the patterns involved in fake transactions.

The Knack
There is definitely a knack to Data Mining, as there is with any other field of web research activities. That is why it is referred as a craft rather than a science. A craft is the skilled practicing of an occupation.

One point I would like to make here is that data mining solutions offers an analytical perspective into the performance of a company depending on the historical data but one need to consider unknown external events and deceitful activities. On the flip side it is more critical especially for Regulatory bodies to forecast such activities in advance and take necessary measures to prevent such events in future.

In Closing
There are many important niches of Web Data Research that this article has not covered. But I hope that this article will provide you a stage to drill down further into this subject, if you want to do so!

Should you have any queries, please feel free to mail me. I would be pleased to answer each of your queries in detail.


Usefulness of Web Scraping Services

For any business or organization, surveys and market research play important roles in the strategic decision-making process. Data extraction and web scraping techniques are important tools that find relevant data and information for your personal or business use. Many companies employ people to copy-paste data manually from the web pages. This process is very reliable but very costly as it results to time wastage and effort. This is so because the data collected is less compared to the resources spent and time taken to gather such data.

Nowadays, various data mining companies have developed effective web scraping techniques that can crawl over thousands of websites and their pages to harvest particular information. The information extracted is then stored into a CSV file, database, XML file, or any other source with the required format. After the data has been collected and stored, data mining process can be used to extract the hidden patterns and trends contained in the data. By understanding the correlations and patterns in the data; policies can be formulated and thereby aiding the decision-making process. The information can also be stored for future reference.

The following are some of the common examples of data extraction process:

• Scrap through a government portal in order to extract the names of the citizens who are reliable for a given survey.
• Scraping competitor websites for feature data and product pricing
• Using web scraping to download videos and images for stock photography site or for website design

Automated Data Collection
It is important to note that web scraping process allows a company to monitor the website data changes over a given time frame. It also collects the data on a routine basis regularly. Automated data collection techniques are quite important as they help companies to discover customer trends and market trends. By determining market trends, it is possible to understand the customer behavior and predict the likelihood of how the data will change.

The following are some of the examples of the automated data collection:

• Monitoring price information for the particular stocks on hourly basis
• Collecting mortgage rates from the various financial institutions on the daily basis
• Checking on weather reports on regular basis as required

By using web scraping services it is possible to extract any data that is related to your business. The data can then be downloaded into a spreadsheet or a database for it to be analyzed and compared. Storing the data in a database or in a required format makes it easier for interpretation and understanding of the correlations and for identification of the hidden patterns.

Through web scraping it is possible to get quicker and accurate results and thus saving many resources in terms of money and time. With data extraction services, it is possible to fetch information about pricing, mailing, database, profile data, and competitors data on a consistent basis. With the emergence of professional data mining companies outsourcing your services will greatly reduce your costs and at the same time you are assured of high quality services.
