Monday 30 September 2013

Web Scraper Shortcode WordPress Plugin Review

This short post is on the WP-plugin called Web Scraper Shortcode, that enables one to retrieve a portion of a web page or a whole page and insert it directly into a post. This plugin might be used for getting fresh data or images from web pages for your WordPress driven page without even visiting it. More scraping plugins and sowtware you can find in here.

To install it in WordPress go to Plugins -> Add New.

The plugin scrapes the page content and applies parameters to this scraped page if specified. To use the plugin just insert the

[web-scraper ]

shortcode into the HTML view of the WordPress page where you want to display the excerpts of a page or the whole page. The parameters are as follows:

    url (self explanatory)
    element – the dom navigation element notation, similar to XPath.
    limit – the maximum number of elements to be scraped and inserted if the element notation points to several of them (like elements of the same class).

The use of the plugin is of the dom (Data Object Model) notation, where consecutive dom nodes are stated like node1.node2; for example: element = ‘div.img’. The specific element scrape goes thru ‘#notation’. Example: if you want to scrape several ‘div’ elements of the class ‘red’ (<div class=’red’>…<div>), you need to specify the element attribute this way: element = ‘div#red’.
How to find DOM notation?

But for inexperienced users, how is it possible to find the dom notation of the desired element(s) from the web page? Web Developer Tools are a handy means for this. I would refer you to this paragraph on how to invoke Web Developer Tools in the browser (Google Chrome) and select a single page element to inspect it. As you select it with the ‘loupe’ tool, on the bottom line you’ll see the blue box with the element’s dom notation:

The plugin content

As one who works with web scraping, I was curious about  the means that the plugin uses for scraping. As I looked at the plugin code, it turned out that the plugin acquires a web page through ‘simple_html_dom‘ class:

    $html = file_get_html($url);
    then the code performs iterations over the designated elements with the set limit


    Be careful if you put two or more [web-scraper] shortcodes on your website, since downloading other pages will drastically slow the page load speed. Even if you want only a small element, the PHP engine first loads the whole page and then iterates over its elements.
    You need to remember that many pictures on the web are indicated by shortened URLs. So when such an image gets extracted it might be visible to you in this way: , since the URL is shortened and the plugin does not take note of  its base URL.
    The error “Fatal error: Call to a member function find() on a non-object …” will occur if you put this shortcode in a text-overloaded post.


I’d recommend using this plugin for short posts to be added with other posts’ elements. The use of this plugin is limited though.


Sunday 29 September 2013

Microsys A1 Website Scraper Review

The A1 scraper by Microsys is a program that is mainly used to scrape websites to extract data in large quantities for later use in webservices. The scraper works to extract text, URLs etc., using multiple Regexes and saving the output into a CSV file. This tool is can be compared with other web harvesting and web scraping services.
How it works
This scraper program works as follows:
Scan mode

    Go to the ScanWebsite tab and enter the site’s URL into the Path subtab.
    Press the ‘Start scan‘ button to cause the crawler to find text, links and other data on this website and cache them.

Important: URLs that you scrape data from have to pass filters defined in both analysis filters and output filters. The defining of those filters can be set at the Analysis filters and Output filters subtabs respectively. They must be set at the website analysis stage (mode).
Extract mode

    Go to the Scraper Options tab
    Enter the Regex(es) into the Regex input area.
    Define the name and path of the output CSV file.
    The scraper automatically finds and extracts the data according to Regex patterns.

The result will be stored in one CSV file for all the given URLs.

There is a need to mention that the set of regular expressions will be run against all the pages scraped.
Some more scraper features

Using the scraper as a website crawler also affords:

    URL filtering.
    Adjustment of the speed of crawling according to service needs rather than server load.

If  you need to extract data from a complex website, just disable Easy mode: out press the  button. A1 Scraper’s full tutorial is available here.

The A1 Scraper is good for mass gathering of URLs, text, etc., with multiple conditions set. However this scraping tool is designed for using only Regex expressions, which can increase the parsing process time greatly.


Friday 27 September 2013

Visual Web Ripper: Using External Input Data Sources

Sometimes it is necessary to use external data sources to provide parameters for the scraping process. For example, you have a database with a bunch of ASINs and you need to scrape all product information for each one of them. As far as Visual Web Ripper is concerned, an input data source can be used to provide a list of input values to a data extraction project. A data extraction project will be run once for each row of input values.

An input data source is normally used in one of these scenarios:

    To provide a list of input values for a web form
    To provide a list of start URLs
    To provide input values for Fixed Value elements
    To provide input values for scripts

Visual Web Ripper supports the following input data sources:

    SQL Server Database
    MySQL Database
    OleDB Database
    CSV File
    Script (A script can be used to provide data from almost any data source)

To see it in action you can download a sample project that uses an input CSV file with Amazon ASIN codes to generate Amazon start URLs and extract some product data. Place both the project file and the input CSV file in the default Visual Web Ripper project folder (My Documents\Visual Web Ripper\Projects).

For further information please look at the manual topic, explaining how to use an input data source to generate start URLs.


Thursday 26 September 2013

Scraping with Screen Scraper

Let’s look how to use Screen Scraper for scraping Amazon products having a list of asins in external database.

Screen Scraper is designed to be interoperable with all sorts of databases and web-languages. There is even a data-manager that allows one to make a connection to a database (MySQL, Amazon RDS, MS SQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, etc), and then the scripting in screen-scraper is agnostic to the type of database.

Let’s go through a sample scrape project you can see it at work. I don’t know how well you know Screen Scraper, but I assume you have it installed, and a MySQL database you can use. You need to:

    Make sure screen-scraper is not running as workbench or server
    Put the Amazon (Scraping Session).sss file in the “screen-scraper enterprise edition/import” directory.
    Put the mysql-connector-java-5.1.22-bin.jar file in the “screen-scraper enterprise edition/lib/ext” directory.
    Create a MySQL database for the scrape to use, and import the amazon.sql file.
    Put the amazon.db.config file in the “screen-scraper enterprise edition/input” directory and edit it to contain proper settings to connect to your database.
    Start the screen scraper workbench

Since this is a very simple scrape, you just want to run it in the workbench (most of the time you want to run scrapes in server mode). Start the workbench, and you will see the Amazon scrape in there, and you can just click the “play” button.

Note that a breakpoint comes up for each item. It would be easy to save the scraped details to a database table or file if you want. Also see in the database the “id_status” changes as each item is scraped.

When the scrape is run, it looks in the database for products marked “not scraped”, so when you want to re-run the scrapes, you need to:

SET `id_status` = 0

Have a nice scraping! ))

P.S. We thank Jason Bellows from Ekiwi, LLC for such a great tutorial.


Tuesday 24 September 2013

Selenium IDE and Web Scraping

Selenium is a browser automation framework that includes IDE, Remote Control server and bindings of various flavors including Java, .Net, Ruby, Python and other. In this post we touch on the basic structure of the framework and its application to  Web Scraping.
What is Selenium IDE

Selenium IDE is an integrated development environment for Selenium scripts. It is implemented as a Firefox plugin, and it allows recording browsers’ interactions in order to edit them. This works well for software tests, composing and debugging. The Selenium Remote Control is a server specific for a particular environment; it causes custom scripts to be implemented for controlled browsers. Selenium deploys on Windows, Linux, and iOS. How various Selenium components are supported with major browsers read here.
What does Selenium do and Web Scraping

Basically Selenium automates browsers. This ability is no doubt to be applied to web scraping. Since browsers (and Selenium) support JavaScript, jQuery and other methods working with dynamic content why not use this mix for benefit in web scraping, rather than to try to catch Ajax events with plain code? The second reason for this kind of scrape automation is browser-fasion data access (though today this is emulated with most libraries).

Yes, Selenium works to automate browsers, but how to control Selenium from a custom script to automate a browser for web scraping? There are Selenium PHP and other language libraries (bindings) providing for scripts to call and use Selenium. It is possible to write Selenium clients (using the libraries) in almost any language we prefer, for example Perl, Python, Java, PHP etc. Those libraries (API), along with a server, the Java written server that invokes browsers for actions, constitute the Selenum RC (Remote Control). Remote Control automatically loads the Selenium Core into the browser to control it. For more details in Selenium components refer to here.

A tough scrape task for programmer

“…cURL is good, but it is very basic.  I need to handle everything manually; I am creating HTTP requests by hand.
This gets difficult – I need to do a lot of work to make sure that the requests that I send are exactly the same as the requests that a browser would
send, both for my sake and for the website’s sake. (For my sake
because I want to get the right data, and for the website’s sake
because I don’t want to cause error messages or other problems on their site because I sent a bad request that messed with their web application).  And if there is any important javascript, I need to imitate it with PHP.
It would be a great benefit to me to be able to control a browser like Firefox with my code. It would solve all my problems regarding the emulation of a real browser…
it seems that Selenium will allow me to do this…” -Ryan S

Yes, that’s what we will consider below.
Scrape with Selenium

In order to create scripts that interact with the Selenium Server (Selenium RC, Selenium Remote Webdriver) or create local Selenium WebDriver script, there is the need to make use of language-specific client drivers (also called Formatters, they are included in the selenium-ide-1.10.0.xpi package). The Selenium servers, drivers and bindings are available at Selenium download page.
The basic recipe for scrape with Selenium:

    Use Chrome or Firefox browsers
    Get Firebug or Chrome Dev Tools (Cntl+Shift+I) in action.
    Install requirements (Remote control or WebDriver, libraries and other)
    Selenium IDE : Record a ‘test’ run thru a site, adding some assertions.
    Export as a Python (other language) script.
    Edit it (loops, data extraction, db input/output)
    Run script for the Remote Control

The short intro Slides for the scraping of tough websites with Python & Selenium are here (as Google Docs slides) and here (Slide Share).
Selenium components for Firefox installation guide

For how to install the Selenium IDE to Firefox see  here starting at slide 21. The Selenium Core and Remote Control installation instructions are there too.
Extracting for dynamic content using jQuery/JavaScript with Selenium

One programmer is doing a similar thing …

1. launch a selenium RC (remote control) server
2. load a page
3. inject the jQuery script
4. select the interested contents using jQuery/JavaScript
5. send back to the PHP client using JSON.

He particularly finds it quite easy and convenient to use jQuery for
screen scraping, rather than using PHP/XPath.

The Selenium IDE is the popular tool for browser automation, mostly for its software testing application, yet also in that Web Scraping techniques for tough dynamic websites may be implemented with IDE along with the Selenium Remote Control server. These are the basic steps for it:

    Record the ‘test‘ browser behavior in IDE and export it as the custom programming language script
    Formatted language script runs on the Remote Control server that forces browser to send HTTP requests and then script catches the Ajax powered responses to extract content.

Selenium based Web Scraping is an easy task for small scale projects, but it consumes a lot of memory resources, since for each request it will launch a new browser instance.


Monday 23 September 2013

How Web Data Extraction Services Will Save Your Time and Money by Automatic Data Collection

Data scrape is the process of extracting data from web by using software program from proven website only. Extracted data any one can use for any purposes as per the desires in various industries as the web having every important data of the world. We provide best of the web data extracting software. We have the expertise and one of kind knowledge in web data extraction, image scrapping, screen scrapping, email extract services, data mining, web grabbing.

Who can use Data Scraping Services?

Data scraping and extraction services can be used by any organization, company, or any firm who would like to have a data from particular industry, data of targeted customer, particular company, or anything which is available on net like data of email id, website name, search term or anything which is available on web. Most of time a marketing company like to use data scraping and data extraction services to do marketing for a particular product in certain industry and to reach the targeted customer for example if X company like to contact a restaurant of California city, so our software can extract the data of restaurant of California city and a marketing company can use this data to market their restaurant kind of product. MLM and Network marketing company also use data extraction and data scrapping services to to find a new customer by extracting data of certain prospective customer and can contact customer by telephone, sending a postcard, email marketing, and this way they build their huge network and build large group for their own product and company.

We helped many companies to find particular data as per their need for example.

Web Data Extraction

Web pages are built using text-based mark-up languages (HTML and XHTML), and frequently contain a wealth of useful data in text form. However, most web pages are designed for human end-users and not for ease of automated use. Because of this, tool kits that scrape web content were created. A web scraper is an API to extract data from a web site. We help you to create a kind of API which helps you to scrape data as per your need. We provide quality and affordable web Data Extraction application

Data Collection

Normally, data transfer between programs is accomplished using info structures suited for automated processing by computers, not people. Such interchange formats and protocols are typically rigidly structured, well-documented, easily parsed, and keep ambiguity to a minimum. Very often, these transmissions are not human-readable at all. That's why the key element that distinguishes data scraping from regular parsing is that the output being scraped was intended for display to an end-user.

Email Extractor

A tool which helps you to extract the email ids from any reliable sources automatically that is called a email extractor. It basically services the function of collecting business contacts from various web pages, HTML files, text files or any other format without duplicates email ids.

Screen scrapping

Screen scraping referred to the practice of reading text information from a computer display terminal's screen and collecting visual data from a source, instead of parsing data as in web scraping.

Data Mining Services

Data Mining Services is the process of extracting patterns from information. Datamining is becoming an increasingly important tool to transform the data into information. Any format including MS excels, CSV, HTML and many such formats according to your requirements.

Web spider

A Web spider is a computer program that browses the World Wide Web in a methodical, automated manner or in an orderly fashion. Many sites, in particular search engines, use spidering as a means of providing up-to-date data.

Web Grabber

Web grabber is just a other name of the data scraping or data extraction.

Web Bot

Web Bot is software program that is claimed to be able to predict future events by tracking keywords entered on the Internet. Web bot software is the best program to pull out articles, blog, relevant website content and many such website related data We have worked with many clients for data extracting, data scrapping and data mining they are really happy with our services we provide very quality services and make your work data work very easy and automatic.


Sunday 22 September 2013

Internet Data Mining - How Does it Help Businesses?

Internet has become an indispensable medium for people to conduct different types of businesses and transactions too. This has given rise to the employment of different internet data mining tools and strategies so that they could better their main purpose of existence on the internet platform and also increase their customer base manifold.

Internet data-mining encompasses various processes of collecting and summarizing different data from various websites or webpage contents or make use of different login procedures so that they could identify various patterns. With the help of internet data-mining it becomes extremely easy to spot a potential competitor, pep up the customer support service on the website and make it more customers oriented.

There are different types of internet data_mining techniques which include content, usage and structure mining. Content mining focuses more on the subject matter that is present on a website which includes the video, audio, images and text. Usage mining focuses on a process where the servers report the aspects accessed by users through the server access logs. This data helps in creating an effective and an efficient website structure. Structure mining focuses on the nature of connection of the websites. This is effective in finding out the similarities between various websites.

Also known as web data_mining, with the aid of the tools and the techniques, one can predict the potential growth in a selective market regarding a specific product. Data gathering has never been so easy and one could make use of a variety of tools to gather data and that too in simpler methods. With the help of the data mining tools, screen scraping, web harvesting and web crawling have become very easy and requisite data can be put readily into a usable style and format. Gathering data from anywhere in the web has become as simple as saying 1-2-3. Internet data-mining tools therefore are effective predictors of the future trends that the business might take.

If you are interested to know something more on Web Data Mining and other details, you are welcome to the Screen Scraping Technology site.


Friday 20 September 2013

Business Intelligence Data Mining

Data mining can be technically defined as the automated extraction of hidden information from large databases for predictive analysis. In other words, it is the retrieval of useful information from large masses of data, which is also presented in an analyzed form for specific decision-making.

Data mining requires the use of mathematical algorithms and statistical techniques integrated with software tools. The final product is an easy-to-use software package that can be used even by non-mathematicians to effectively analyze the data they have. Data Mining is used in several applications like market research, consumer behavior, direct marketing, bioinformatics, genetics, text analysis, fraud detection, web site personalization, e-commerce, healthcare, customer relationship management, financial services and telecommunications.

Business intelligence data mining is used in market research, industry research, and for competitor analysis. It has applications in major industries like direct marketing, e-commerce, customer relationship management, healthcare, the oil and gas industry, scientific tests, genetics, telecommunications, financial services and utilities. BI uses various technologies like data mining, scorecarding, data warehouses, text mining, decision support systems, executive information systems, management information systems and geographic information systems for analyzing useful information for business decision making.

Business intelligence is a broader arena of decision-making that uses data mining as one of the tools. In fact, the use of data mining in BI makes the data more relevant in application. There are several kinds of data mining: text mining, web mining, social networks data mining, relational databases, pictorial data mining, audio data mining and video data mining, that are all used in business intelligence applications.

Some data mining tools used in BI are: decision trees, information gain, probability, probability density functions, Gaussians, maximum likelihood estimation, Gaussian Baves classification, cross-validation, neural networks, instance-based learning /case-based/ memory-based/non-parametric, regression algorithms, Bayesian networks, Gaussian mixture models, K-means and hierarchical clustering, Markov models and so on.


Thursday 19 September 2013

Healthcare Marketing Series - Data Mining - The 21st Century Marketing Gold Rush

There is gold in them there hills! Well there is gold right within a few blocks of your office. Mining for patients, not unlike mining for gold or drilling for oil requires either great luck or great research.

It's all about the odds.

It's true that like old Jed from the Beverly Hillbillies, you might just take a shot and strike oil. But more likely you might drill a dry hole or dig a mine and find dirt not diamonds. Without research you might be a mere 2 feet from pay dirt, but drilling or mining in just the wrong spot.

Now oil companies and gold mining companies spend millions, if not, billions of dollars studying where and how to effectively find the "mother load". If market research is good enough for the big boys, it should be good enough for the healthcare provider. Remember as a health care professional you probably don't have the extras millions laying around to squander on trial and error marketing.

If you did there would be little need for you to market to find new patients to help.

In previous articles in the Health Care Marketing Series we talked about developing a marketing strategy, using metrics to measure the performance of your marketing execution, developing effective marketing warheads based on your marketing strategy, evaluating the most efficient ways to deliver those warheads, your marketing missile systems, and tying several marketing methods together into a marketing MIRV.

If you have been following along with our articles and starting to integrate the concepts detailed in them, by now you should have an excellent marketing infrastructure. Ready to launch laser guided marketing missiles tipped with nuclear marketing MIRVs. The better you have done your research, the more detailed your marketing strategy, the more effective and efficient your delivery systems, the bigger bang you'll receive from your marketing campaign. And ultimately the more lives you will help to change of patients that truly can benefit from your skills and talents as a doctor.

Sounds like you're ready for healthcare marketing shock and awe.

Everything is ready to launch, this is great, press the button and fire away!

Ah, but wait just a minute, General. What is the target? Where are they? What are the aiming coordinates?

The target? Why of course all those sick people out there.

Where are they? Well of course, out there!

The coordinates? Man just press the button, carpet bomb man. Carpet bomb!

This scenario is designed to show you how quickly the wheels can come off even the best intended marketing war machine. It brings us back full circle. We are right back to our original article on marketing strategy.

But this time we are going to introduce the concept of data mining. If you remember, our article on marketing strategy talked about doing research. We talked about research as the true cornerstone of all marketing efforts.

What is the target, General?

Answering this question is a little difficult and the truth is each healthcare provider needs to determine his or her high value target. And more importantly needs to know how to determine his or her high value targets.

Let's go back to our launch scenario to illustrate this point. Let's continue with our military analogy. Let's say we have several aircraft carriers, a few destroyers and a fleet of rowboats, making up our marketing battlefield.

As we have discussed previously, waging a marketing war, like any war, consumes resources. So do we want to launch our nuclear marketing MIRVs, the most valuable resources in our arsenal, and target the fleet of rowboats?

Or would it be wiser to target those aircraft carriers?

Well the obvious answer is "get those carriers".

But here is where things get a little tricky. One man's aircraft carrier is another man's rowboat.

You have to data mine your practice to determine which targets are high value targets.

What goes into that data mining process? Well first and foremost, what conditions do you to treat, 2. have a proven track record of treating and 3. obtain a reasonable reimbursement for treating.

In my own practice, I typically do not like or enjoy treating shoulder problems. I don't know if I don't like treating shoulders because I haven't had great results with them or if I haven't had great results, because I don't like treating them. Needless to say my reimbursement for treating shoulder cases is relatively low.

So do I really want to carpet bomb my marketing terrain and come up with 10 new cases of rotator cuff tears? These cases, for more than one reason, are my rowboats.

On the contrary, I like to treat neurological conditions like chronic pain; Neuropathy patients, Spinal Stenosis patients, Tinnitus patients, patients with Parkinson's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis patients. I've had results with these types of cases that have been good enough to publish. Because they are complex and difficult cases, I obtain a better than average reimbursement for my efforts. These cases are my aircraft carriers. If my marketing campaign brings me ten cases with these types of problems, chances are that the patient will obtain some great relief, I will find working with them an intellectual and stimulating challenge and my marketing efforts will bring me a handsome return on investment.

So the first lesson of data mining is to identify your aircraft carriers. They must be "your" aircraft carriers. You must have a good personal track record of helping these types of patients. You should enjoy treating these types of cases. And you should be rewarded for your time and expertise.

That's the first step in the process. Identifying your high value targets. The next step is THE most important aspect of healthcare marketing. As I discussed above, I enjoy working with complex neurological cases. But how many of these types of patients exist in my marketing terrain and are they looking for the type of help I can offer?

Being able to accurately answer these important questions is the single most valuable information I can extract using data mining.

It doesn't matter if I like treating these cases. It doesn't matter if I make a good living treating these cases. It doesn't matter if my success in treating these cases has made the local news. What matters is 1. do these types of cases exist in my neighborhood and 2. are they looking for the help I can provide to them?

You absolutely positively need to know who is looking for what in your marketing terrain and if what people are clamoring for is what you have to offer.

This knowledge is the most powerful tool in your marketing arsenal. It's your secret weapon. It is the foundation of your marketing strategy. It is so important that you should consider moving your office if the results of your data mining don't reveal an ocean full of aircraft carriers in your marketing terrain for you to target.

If your market research does not reveal an abundance of aircraft carriers on your horizon, you need to either 1. move to a new battlefield, 2. re-target your efforts towards the destroyers in your market or 3. try to create a market.

Let's look at your last choice. Trying to create a market. Unless you are Coke or Pepsi, your ability to create a market as a health care provider is extremely limited. To continue on with our analogy, to create a market requires converting rowboats into, at least, destroyers, but better yet aircraft carriers.

What would it cost if you took a rowboat to a ship yard and told them to rebuild it as an aircraft carrier?

This is what you face if you try to create a market where none exists. Unless you have a personality flaw and thrive on selling ice to Eskimos, creating a market is not a rewarding proposition.

So scratch this option off the table right now.

What about re-targeting your campaign towards destroyers? That's a viable option. It's a good option. It's probably your best option. It's an option that will likely give you your best return on investment. It is recommended that you focus your arsenal on the destroyers while at the same time never passing on an opportunity to sink an aircraft carrier.

So what is the secret? How do you data mine for aircraft carriers?

Well its quite simple in the internet age. Just use the services of a market research firm. I like They will do the data mining for you.

They can provide market intelligence that will tell you not only what the health care aircraft carriers are, but also where they are.

With this information, you will have a competitive advantage in your marketing battlefield. You can segment, and target high value targets in your area while your competitors squander their marketing resources on rowboats. Or even worse carpet bomb and hit ocean water, not valuable targets.

Your marketing strategy should be highly targeted. Your marketing resources should be well spent. As we discussed in our very first article on true "Marketing Strategy" you should enter the battle against your competition already knowing your have won.

What gives you this dominant position in the market, is knowing ahead-of-time, who is looking for what in your marketing terrain. In other words, not trying to create a market, but rather identifying existing market niches, specifically targeting them with laser guided precision and having headlines and ad copy based on your strength versus the weakness of your competition within that niche.

This research-based marketing strategy is sure to cause a big bang with potential patients.

And leave your competition trying to sell ice to Eskimos.

I hope you see how important market research is and why it is a good thing to spend some of your marketing budget on research before you waste your marketing resources on poorly targeted low value or no-value targets. This article was intended to give you a glimpse at how to use data mining and consumer demographics information as a foundation for the development of a scientific research-based marketing strategy. This article shows you how to use existing resources to give your marketing efforts (and you) a competitive advantage.


Wednesday 18 September 2013

Offshore Data Entry Is The Need Of The Day For Any Business

To run a business successfully means embracing a new challenge everyday. It indicates exciting avenues to be ventured into and daunting hurdles to be overcome while keeping ahead of competitors. Each day is a new day that needs to be met with new strategies, plans and goals. However certain crucial aspects of running a business can become monotonous and can require repetitive work on a regular basis but the accuracy needs to be impeccable. The data entry requirements of a company fall under this category of essential tasks that can be quite time consuming and repeatable but essential for running the business successfully. Business houses are therefore looking for options to get this task done smoothly without using up important resources of the company yet maintaining the required standard of accuracy and confidentiality. Offshore data entry is therefore fast becoming the preferred option of every business entity.

Offshore data entry is the process of hiring an external entity to perform the data entry functions for the business in a country besides the ones where the products and services of the business will be sold or used. The offshore data entry services provided by a vendor help the firm access processed and accurate data that has been well -presented to be of maximum use to the firm. The offshore data entry firm employees have the task of collecting data from written or printed records and entering them into the computer system. This data is maintained in a systematic manner to be as informative to the business as possible. The offshore data entry records are then transferred back to the client for regular referral and checking. Some of the major countries that are providing such offshore data entry services are India, China, Russia, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Egypt, Malaysia and others.

The major criteria for a job to be qualified for offshore requirements are that the task should be repeatable, have high information content, be transferable over the internet, the process is easy to set up and the wages paid to the offshore data entry staff must be reasonably lower than those in the original country. The major requirement for offshore data entry services arises from the strong need to cut down on costs and the internet and the facilities it provides has given a direction to this need. Offshore data entry jobs have opened up a world of opportunities for professionals around the world and the constant advancement in the field of technology and internet further add to the advantage.

The prevalent exposure to internet has enabled many freelancers across the globe to offer their services for offshore data entry to small businesses and this works out to be a winning deal for both the parties involved. Free trade advocates are vocal about their support for offshore data entry business as they feel that this will provide benefits to economies as a whole in the form of labor off shoring. Whatever may be the reason for a company to employ offshore assistance, but the fact remains that in today's world offshore data entry is a booming business and the trend definitely seems to be on an upward motion.


Tuesday 17 September 2013

Data Mining - A Short Introduction

Data mining is an integral part of data analysis which contains a series of activities that goes from the 'meaning' of the ideas, to the 'analysis' of the data and up to the 'interpretation' and 'evaluation' of the outcome. The different stages of the technique are as follows:

Objectives for Analysis: It is sometimes very difficult to statistically define the phenomenon we wish to analyze. In fact, the business objectives are often clear, but the same can be difficult to formalize. A clear understanding of the crisis and the goals is very important setup the analysis correctly. This is undoubtedly, one of the most complex parts of the process, since it establishes the techniques to be engaged and as such, the objectives must be crystal clear and there should not be any doubt or ambiguity.

Collection, grouping and pre-processing of the data: Once the objectives of the analysis are set and defined, we need to gather or choose the data needed for the study. At first, it is essential to recognize the data sources. Usually data are collected from the internal sources as the same are economical and more dependable and moreover these data also has the benefit of being the outcome of the experiences and procedures of the business itself.

Investigative analysis of the data and their conversion: This stage includes a preliminary examination of the information available. It involves a preliminary assessment of the significance of the gathered data. An exploratory and / or investigative analysis can highlight the irregular data. An exploratory analysis is important because it lets the analyst choose the most suitable statistical method for the subsequent stage of the analysis.

Choosing statistical methods: There are multiple statistical methods that can be put into use for the purpose of analysis, so it is very essential to categorize the existing methods. The choice statistical method is case specific and depends on the problem and also upon the type of information available.

Data analysis on the basis of chosen methods: Once the statistical method is chosen, the same must be translated into proper algorithms for working out the results. Ranges of specialized and non-specialized software are widely available for data mining and as such it is not always required to develop ad hoc computation algorithms for the most 'standard' purpose. However, it is essential that the people managing the data mining method well aware and have a good knowledge and understanding of the various methods of data analysis and also the different software solutions available for the same, so that they may adapt the same in times of need of the company and can flawlessly interpret the results.

Assessment and contrast of the techniques used and selection of the final model for analysis: It is of utmost necessity to choose the best 'model' from the variety of statistical methods accessible. The selection of the model should be based in contrast with the results obtained. When assessing the performance of a specific statistical method and / or type, all other dependent and / or relevant criterions should also be considered. The other criterions may be the constraints on the company both in terms of time and resources or it may be in terms of quality and the accessibility of data.

Elucidation of the selected statistical model and its employment in the decision making process: The scope of data mining is not limited to data analysis rather it is also includes the integration of the results so as to facilitate the decision making process of the company. Business awareness, the pulling out of rules and their use in the decision process allows us to proceed from the diagnostic phase to the phase of decision making. Once the model is finalized and tested with an information set, the categorization rule can be generalized. But the inclusion of the data mining process in the business should not be done in haste; rather the same should always be done slowly, setting out sensible and logical aims. The final aim of data mining is to be an integral supporting part of the company's decision making process.


Monday 16 September 2013

Data Recovery Services - When You're Facing A Wipeout

Your computer files are the foundation of your business. What if one day you awaken to find that your computer has crashed, and the foundation of you business appears to have crumbled? Are those files nothing but dust on the winds of cyberspace? Or is there a way to gather up their bits and bytes, reassemble them, and lay the bricks of a new foundation?

There very well may be, but it requires the skilled handling of one of the many data recovery services which have come to the rescue of more computer-driven businesses than you might believe. And they have not retrieved data only for small business proprietors; data recovery services have been the saving of many a multi-million dollar operation or project. Data recovery services have also practiced good citizenship in recovering data erased from the hard drives of undesirables.

Finding Data Recovery Services

If you're someone who neglected, or never learned how, to back up your hard drive, it's time to call for help from one of the data recover service by doing an online search and finding one, if possible, nearby. If you have to settle for one of the data recovery services I another area, so be it. You're not in a position to quibble, are you?

You'll need to extract your non-functioning hard drive from your PC and send it out to have data recovery services administered. Whichever of the data recovery services company you have chosen will examine you hard drive's memory to determine how much of the data on it can be restored, and give you an estimate of the job's cost.

Only you are the expert on the importance of that data to your future, and only you can decide whether or not the price quoted by the data recovery services company is acceptable. If you think you can find a way to work around the lost data, simply tell the data recovery services company to return your hard drive.

What You'll Get For Your Money

But before you do that, consider exactly what the data recovery services will entail, and why they are not cheap. Your mangled hard drive will be taken to a clean room absolutely free of dust, and operated on with tools of surgical precision so that even the tiniest bits of functional data can be retrieved.

If their price still seems too high, ask the data recovery services company what their policy is if they find that they are unable to retrieve a meaningful amount of data. Many of them will not charge you if they cannot help your situation.

Data recovery services companies offer high-tech, high-cost solutions, but you won't find anyone else who can do what they do. So next time, backup your hard drive, but if your future is really at stake, then data recovery services are the best chance you have of getting it back.

You can also find more info on Data Recovery Program and Data Recovery Service is a comprehensive resource to know about Data Recovery.


Sunday 15 September 2013

Importance of Data Mining Services in Business

Data mining is used in re-establishment of hidden information of the data of the algorithms. It helps to extract the useful information starting from the data, which can be useful to make practical interpretations for the decision making.
It can be technically defined as automated extraction of hidden information of great databases for the predictive analysis. In other words, it is the retrieval of useful information from large masses of data, which is also presented in an analyzed form for specific decision-making. Although data mining is a relatively new term, the technology is not. It is thus also known as Knowledge discovery in databases since it grip searching for implied information in large databases.
It is primarily used today by companies with a strong customer focus - retail, financial, communication and marketing organizations. It is having lot of importance because of its huge applicability. It is being used increasingly in business applications for understanding and then predicting valuable data, like consumer buying actions and buying tendency, profiles of customers, industry analysis, etc. It is used in several applications like market research, consumer behavior, direct marketing, bioinformatics, genetics, text analysis, e-commerce, customer relationship management and financial services.

However, the use of some advanced technologies makes it a decision making tool as well. It is used in market research, industry research and for competitor analysis. It has applications in major industries like direct marketing, e-commerce, customer relationship management, scientific tests, genetics, financial services and utilities.

Data mining consists of major elements:

    Extract and load operation data onto the data store system.
    Store and manage the data in a multidimensional database system.
    Provide data access to business analysts and information technology professionals.
    Analyze the data by application software.
    Present the data in a useful format, such as a graph or table.

The use of data mining in business makes the data more related in application. There are several kinds of data mining: text mining, web mining, relational databases, graphic data mining, audio mining and video mining, which are all used in business intelligence applications. Data mining software is used to analyze consumer data and trends in banking as well as many other industries.


Friday 13 September 2013

Data Processing Services - Different Types of Data Processing

Data processing services- To get proper information in specific and require data format and process your data which can be understand by people.

In the most of BPO (business process outsourcing) companies, converting your data (information) into right data format which is known as data processing services and also a very important part of the BPO company. There are many types of data process are available in the BPO industry such as check processing, insurance claim process, forms process, image process, survey processing and other business process services.

There is some important data processing services which can help to the business described as below:

Check-Processing: In any business, check processing is essential requirements to make easy online transactions. It will increase and make fast your business process.

Insurance-Claim-Processing: Sometime it is very complicated to handle. An insurance claim is an official request submitted to the insurance company demanding payment as per the terms of the policy. The terms of the insurance contract dictate the insurance claim amount.

Form-Processing: In the business, there are some important forms are used to process properly and receive accurate data or information. It is one of very crucial data online processing service.

Image-Processing: In electrical engineering and computer science, capturing and manipulating images to enhance or extract information. Image processing functions include resizing, sharpening, brightness, and contrast.

Survey-Processing: To make quick decision and want to market research, survey form is very much helpful in take proper decision or any important action.

Thus, these all important data process and conversion services can help any business to grow their profit and make business process very easy to access.


Web Mining - Applying Data Techniques

Web mining refers to applying data techniques that discover patterns that are usually on the web. Web mining comes in three different types: content mining, structure mining and usage mining, each and every technique has its significance and roles it will depend on which company someone is.

Web usage mining

Web usage mining mainly deals with what users are mainly searching on the web. It can be either multimedia data or textual data. This process mainly deals with searching and accessing information from the web and putting the information into a one document so that it can be easily be processed.

Web structure mining

Here one uses graphs and by using graphs one can be able to analyze the structure and node of different websites how they are connected to each other. Web structure mining usually comes in two different ways:

One can be able to extract patterns from hyperlinks on different websites.

One can be able to analyze information and page structures which will describe XML and HTML usage. By doing web structure mining one can be able to know more about java script and more basic knowledge about web design.


Web mining has many advantages which usually make technology very attractive and many government agencies and corporations use it. Predictive analysis ones does not need a lot of knowledge like in mining. Predictive analytics usually analyze historical facts and current facts about the future events. This type of mining has really helped ecommerce one can be able to do personalize marketing which later yield results in high trade volumes.

Government institutions use mining tools to fight against terrorism and to classify threat. This helps in identifying criminals who are in the country. In most companies is also applicable better services and customer relationship is usually applied it gives them what they need. By doing this companies will be able to understand the needs of customers better and later react to their needs very quickly. By doing this companies will be able to attract and retain customers and also save on production cost and utilize the insight of their customer requirements. They may even find a customer and later provide the customer with promotional offers to the customer so that they can reduce the risk of losing the customer.


The worst thing that is a threat to mining is invasion of privacy. Privacy in is usually considered lost when documents of one person is obtained, disseminated or used especially when it occurs without the presence of the person who came up with the data itself. Companies collect data for various reasons and purposes. Predictive analytics is usually an area that deals mainly with statistical analysis. Predictive analytics work in different ways deal with extracting information from the data that is being used and it will predict the future trends and the behavior patterns. It is vital for one to note that that accuracy will depend on the level of the business and the data understanding of the personal user.

Victor Cases has many hobbies and interests. As well being a keen blogger and article writer for many sites, he has also recently created a site focusing on web mining. The site is constantly being updated and has articles such as predictive analytics to read.


Wednesday 11 September 2013

Benefits of Predictive Analytics and Data Mining Services

Predictive Analytics is the process of dealing with variety of data and apply various mathematical formulas to discover the best decision for a given situation. Predictive analytics gives your company a competitive edge and can be used to improve ROI substantially. It is the decision science that removes guesswork out of the decision-making process and applies proven scientific guidelines to find right solution in the shortest time possible.

Predictive analytics can be helpful in answering questions like:

    Who are most likely to respond to your offer?
    Who are most likely to ignore?
    Who are most likely to discontinue your service?
    How much a consumer will spend on your product?
    Which transaction is a fraud?
    Which insurance claim is a fraudulent?
    What resource should I dedicate at a given time?

Benefits of Data mining include:

    Better understanding of customer behavior propels better decision
    Profitable customers can be spotted fast and served accordingly
    Generate more business by reaching hidden markets
    Target your Marketing message more effectively
    Helps in minimizing risk and improves ROI.
    Improve profitability by detecting abnormal patterns in sales, claims, transactions etc
    Improved customer service and confidence
    Significant reduction in Direct Marketing expenses

Basic steps of Predictive Analytics are as follows:

    Spot the business problem or goal
    Explore various data sources such as transaction history, user demography, catalog details, etc)
    Extract different data patterns from the above data
    Build a sample model based on data & problem
    Classify data, find valuable factors, generate new variables
    Construct a Predictive model using sample
    Validate and Deploy this Model

Standard techniques used for it are:

    Decision Tree
    Multi-purpose Scaling
    Linear Regressions
    Logistic Regressions
    Factor Analytics
    Genetic Algorithms
    Cluster Analytics
    Product Association


Monday 9 September 2013

What is Data Mining? Why Data Mining is Important?

Searching, Collecting, Filtering and Analyzing of data define as data mining. The large amount of information can be retrieved from wide range of form such as different data relationships, patterns or any significant statistical co-relations. Today the advent of computers, large databases and the internet is make easier way to collect millions, billions and even trillions of pieces of data that can be systematically analyzed to help look for relationships and to seek solutions to difficult problems.

The government, private company, large organization and all businesses are looking for large volume of information collection for research and business development. These all collected data can be stored by them to future use. Such kind of information is most important whenever it is require. It will take very much time for searching and find require information from the internet or any other resources.

Here is an overview of data mining services inclusion:

* Market research, product research, survey and analysis
* Collection information about investors, funds and investments
* Forums, blogs and other resources for customer views/opinions
* Scanning large volumes of data
* Information extraction
* Pre-processing of data from the data warehouse
* Meta data extraction
* Web data online mining services
* data online mining research
* Online newspaper and news sources information research
* Excel sheet presentation of data collected from online sources
* Competitor analysis
* data mining books
* Information interpretation
* Updating collected data

After applying the process of data mining, you can easily information extract from filtered information and processing the refining the information. This data process is mainly divided into 3 sections; pre-processing, mining and validation. In short, data online mining is a process of converting data into authentic information.

The most important is that it takes much time to find important information from the data. If you want to grow your business rapidly, you must take quick and accurate decisions to grab timely available opportunities.

Outsourcing Web Research is one of the best data mining outsourcing organizations having more than 17 years of experience in the market research industry. To know more information about our company please contact us.


Sunday 8 September 2013

Data Mining Is Useful for Business Application and Market Research Services

One day of data mining is an important tool in a market for modern business and market research to transform data into an information system advantage. Most companies in India that offers a complete solution and services for these services. The extraction or to provide companies with important information for analysis and research.

These services are primarily today by companies because the firm body search of all trade associations, retail, financial or market, the institute and the government needs a large amount of information for their development of market research. This service allows you to receive all types of information when needed. With this method, you simply remove your name and information filter.

This service is of great importance, because their applications to help businesses understand that it can perform actions and consumer buying trends and industry analysis, etc. There are business applications use these services:
1) Research Services
2) consumption behavior
3) E-commerce
4) Direct marketing
5) financial services and
6) customer relationship management, etc.

Benefits of Data mining services in Business

• Understand the customer need for better decision
• Generate more business
• Target the Relevant Market.
• Risk free outsourcing experience
• Provide data access to business analysts
• Help to minimize risk and improve ROI.
• Improve profitability by detect unusual pattern in sales, claims, transactions
• Major decrease in Direct Marketing expenses

Understanding the customer's need for a better fit to generate more business target market.To provide risk-free outsourcing experience data access for business analysts to minimize risk and improve return on investment.

The use of these services in the area to help ensure that the data more relevant to business applications. The different types of text mining such as mining, web mining, relational databases, data mining, graphics, audio and video industry, which all used in enterprise applications.


Friday 6 September 2013

Data Mining Social Networks, Smart Phone Data, and Other Data Base, Yet Maintaining Privacy

Is it possible to data mine social networks in such a way to does not hurt the privacy of the individual user, and if so, can we justify doing such? It wasn't too long ago the CEO of Google stated that it was important that they were able to keep data of Google searches so they can find disease, flu, and food born medical clusters. By using this data and studying the regions in the searches to help fight against outbreaks of diseases, or food borne illnesses in the distribution system. This is one good reason to store the data, and collect it for research, as long as it is anonomized, then theoretically no one is hurt.

Unfortunately, this also scares the users, because they know if the searches are indeed stored, this data can be used against them in the future, for instance, higher insurance rates, bombardment of advertising, or get them put onto some sort of future government "thought police" watch-list. Especially considering all the political correctness, and new ways of defining hate speech, bullying, and what is, what isn't, and what might be a domestically home-grown terrorist. The future concept of the thought police is very scary to most folks.

Usually if you want to collect data from a user, you have to give them something back in return, and therefore they are willing to sign away certain privacy rights on that data in trade for the use of such services; such as on their cell phone, perhaps a free iPhone app or a virtual product in an online social network.

Artificially Intelligent Search Features

It is no surprised that AI search features are getting smarter, even able to anticipate your next search question, or what you are really trying to ask, even second guessing your question for instance. Now then, let's discuss this for a moment. Many folks very much enjoy the features of search features, which use artificial intelligence to recommend potential other books, which they might be interested in. And therefore the user probably does not mind giving away information about itself, for this upgraded service or ability, nor would the person mind having cookies put onto their Web browser.

Nevertheless, these types of systems are always exploited for other purposes. For instance consider the Federal Trade Commission's do not call list, and consider how many corporations, political party organizations, and all of their affiliates and partners were able to bypass these rules due to the fact that the consumer or customer had bought something from them in the last six months. This is not what consumers or customers had in mind when they decided they wanted to have this "do not call list" and the resultant and response from the market place, well, it proves we cannot trust the telecommunication companies, their lobbyists, or the insiders within their group (many of which over the years have indeed been somehow connected to the intelligence agencies - AT&T - NSA Echelon for example.)

Now then, this article is in no way to be considered a conspiracy theory, it is just a known fact, yes national security does need access to such information, and often it might be relevant, catching bad guys, terrorists, spies, etc. The NSA is to protect the American People. However, when it comes to the telecommunication companies, their job is to protect shareholder's equity, maximize quarterly profits, expand their business models, and create new profit centers in their corporations.

Thus, such user data will be and has been exploited for future profits against the wishes of the consumer, without the consumer benefiting from free services for lower prices in any way. If there is an explained reason, trade-off, and a monetary consideration, the consumer might feel obliged to have additional calls bothering them while they are at home, additional advertising, and tracking of their preferences for ease of use and suggestions. What types of suggestions?

Well, there is a Starbucks two-blocks from here, turn right, then turn left and it is 200 yards, with parking available; "Sale on Frappachinos for gold-card holders today!" In this case the telecommunication company tracks your location, knows your preferences, and collects a small fee from Starbucks, and you get a free-phone, and 20% off your monthly 4G wireless fee. Is that something a consumer might want; when asked 75% of consumers or smart phone users say; yes. See that point?

In the future smart phones may have data transferred between them, rather than going through a given or closest cell tower. In other words, packets of information may go from your cell phone, to the next nearest cell phone, to another near cell phone, to the person which is intended to receive it. And the data passing through each mobile device, will not be able to read any of the information which was it is not assigned to receive as it wasn't sent to it. By using such a scheme telecommunication companies can expand their services without building more new cell towers, and therefore they can lower the price.

However, it also means that when you lay your cell phone on the table, and it is turned on it would be constantly passing data through it, data which is not yours, and you are not getting paid for that, even though you had to purchase the smart phone. But if the phone was given to you, with a large battery, so it wouldn't go dead during all those transmissions, you probably wouldn't care, as long as your data packets of information were indeed safe and no one else could read them.

This technology exists now, and is being discussed, and consider if you will that the whole strategy of networking smart cell phones or personal tech devices together is nothing new. For instance, the same strategies have been designed for satellites, and to use an analogy, this scheme is very similar to the strategies FedEx uses when it sends packages to the next nearest FedEx office if that is their destination, without sending all of the packages all the way across the country to the central Memphis sort, and then all the way back again. They are saving time, fuel, space, and energy, and if cell phones did this it would save the telecommunication companies mega bucks in the savings of building new cell towers.

As long as you got a free cell phone, which many of us do, unless we have the mega top of the line edition, and if they gave you a long-lasting free battery it is win-win for the user. You probably wouldn't care, and the telecommunication companies could most likely lower the cost of services, and not need to upgrade their system, because they can carry a lot more data, without hundreds of billions of dollars in future investments.

Also a net centric system like this is safer to disruption in the event of an emergency, when emergency communications systems take precedence, putting every cell phone user as secondary traffic at the cell towers, which means their calls may not even get through.

Next, the last thing the telecommunication company would want to do is to data mine that data, or those packets of information from people like a soccer mom calling her son waiting at the bus stop at school. And anyone with a cell phone certainly wouldn't want their packets of information being stolen from them and rerouted because someone near them hacked into the system and had a cell phone that was displaying all of their information.

You can see the problems with all this, but you can also see the incredible economies of scale by making each and every cell phone a transmitter and receiver, which it already is in principle anyway, at least now for all data you send and receive. In the new system, if all the data which is closest by is able to transfer through it, and send that data on its way. The receiving cell phone would wait for all the packets of data were in, and then display the information.

You can see why such a system also might cause people to have a problem with it because of what they call net neutrality. If someone was downloading a movie onto their iPad using a 3G or 4G wireless network, it could tie up all the cell phones nearby that were moving the data through them. In this case, it might upset consumers, but if that traffic could be somewhat delayed by priority based on an AI algorithm decision matrix, something simple, then such a tactic for packet distribution plan might allow for this to occur without disruption from the actual cell tower, meaning everyone would be better off. Therefore we all get information flow faster, more dispersed, and therefore safer from intruders. Please consider all this.


Thursday 5 September 2013

Effective Online Data Entry Services

The outsourcing market has many enthusiastic buyers who have paid a small amount to online data entry service providers. They carry the opinion that they have paid too low as against the work they have got done. Online services is helpful to a number of smaller business units who take these projects as their significant source of occupation.

Online data-entry services include data typing, product entry, web and mortgage research, data mining as well as extraction services. Service providers allot proficient workforce at your service who timely deliver best possible results. They have updated technology, guaranteeing 100% data security.

Few obvious benefits found by outsourcing online data entry:

    Business units receive quality online entry services from projects owners.
    Entering data is the first step for companies through which they get the understanding of the work that makes strategic decisions. The raw data represented by mere numbers soon turns to be a decision making factor accelerating the progress of the business.
    Systems used by these services are completely protected to maintain high level of security.
    As you increasingly obtain high quality of information the business executive of the company is expected to arrive at extraordinary decisions which influence progress in the company.
    Shortened turnaround time.
    Cutting down on cost by saving on operational overheads.

Companies are highly fascinated by the benefits of outsourcing your projects for these services, as it saves time as well as money.

Flourishing companies want to concentrate on their key business activities instead of exploring into such non-key business activities. They take a wise step of outsourcing their work to data-entry-services and keep themselves free for their core business functions.


Wednesday 4 September 2013

Data Mining - Techniques and Process of Data Mining

Data mining as the name suggest is extracting informative data from a huge source of information. It is like segregating a drop from the ocean. Here a drop is the most important information essential for your business, and the ocean is the huge database built up by you.

Recognized in Business

Businesses have become too creative, by coming up with new patterns and trends and of behavior through data mining techniques or automated statistical analysis. Once the desired information is found from the huge database it could be used for various applications. If you want to get involved into other functions of your business you should take help of professional data mining services available in the industry

Data Collection

Data collection is the first step required towards a constructive data-mining program. Almost all businesses require collecting data. It is the process of finding important data essential for your business, filtering and preparing it for a data mining outsourcing process. For those who are already have experience to track customer data in a database management system, have probably achieved their destination.

Algorithm selection

You may select one or more data mining algorithms to resolve your problem. You already have database. You may experiment using several techniques. Your selection of algorithm depends upon the problem that you are want to resolve, the data collected, as well as the tools you possess.

Regression Technique

The most well-know and the oldest statistical technique utilized for data mining is regression. Using a numerical dataset, it then further develops a mathematical formula applicable to the data. Here taking your new data use it into existing mathematical formula developed by you and you will get a prediction of future behavior. Now knowing the use is not enough. You will have to learn about its limitations associated with it. This technique works best with continuous quantitative data as age, speed or weight. While working on categorical data as gender, name or color, where order is not significant it better to use another suitable technique.

Classification Technique

There is another technique, called classification analysis technique which is suitable for both, categorical data as well as a mix of categorical and numeric data. Compared to regression technique, classification technique can process a broader range of data, and therefore is popular. Here one can easily interpret output. Here you will get a decision tree requiring a series of binary decisions.


Unraveling the Data Mining Mystery - The Key to Dramatically Higher Profits

Data mining is the art of extracting nuggets of gold from a set of seemingly meaningless and random data. For the web, this data can be in the form of your server hit log, a database of visitors to your website or customers that have actually purchased from your web site at one time or another.

Today, we will look at how examining customer purchases can give you big clues to revising/improving your product selection, offering style and packaging of products for much greater profits from both your existing customers and an increased visitor to customer ratio.

To get a feel for this, lets take a look at John, a seller of vitamins and nutritional products on the internet. He has been online for two years and has made a fairly good living at selling vitamins and such online but knows he can do better but isn't sure how.

John was smart enough to keep all customer sales data in a database which was a good idea because it is now available for analysis. The first step is for John to run several reports from his database.

In this instance, these reports include: repeat customers, repeat customer frequency, most popular items, least popular items, item groups, item popularity by season, item popularity by geographic region and repeat orders for the same products. Lets take a brief look at each report and how it could guide John to greater profits.

    Repeat Customers - If I know who my repeat customers are, I can make special offers to them via email or offer them incentive coupons (if automated) surprise discounts at the checkout stand for being such a good customer.
    Repeat Customer Frequency - By knowing how often your customer buys from you, you can start tailoring automatic ship programs for that customer where every so many weeks, you will automatically ship the products the customer needs without the hassle of reordering. It shows the customer that you really value his time and appreciate his business.
    Repeat Orders - By knowing what a customer repeatedly buys and by knowing about your other products, you can make suggestions for additional complimentaty products for the customer to add to the order. You could even throw in free samples for the customer to try. And of course, you should try to get the customer on an auto-ship program.
    Most Popular Items - By knowing what items are purchased the most, you will know what items to highlight in your web site and what items would best be used as a loss-leader in a sale or packaged with other less popular items. If a popular product costs $20 and it is bundled with another $20 product and sold for $35, people will buy the bundle for the savings provided they perceive a need of some sort for the other product.
    Least Popular Items - This fact is useful for inventory control and for bundling (described above.) It is also useful for possible special sales to liquidate unpopular merchandise.
    Item Groups - Understanding item groups is very important in a retail environment. By understanding how customer's typically buy groups of products, you can redesign your display and packaging of items for sale to take advantage of this trend. For instance, if lots of people buy both Vitamin A and Vitamin C, it might make sense to bundle the two together at a small discount to move more product or at least put a hint on their respective web pages that they go great together.
    Item Popularity by season - Some items sell better in certain seasons than others. For instance, Vitamin C may sell better in winter than summer. By knowing the seasonability of the products, you will gain insight into what should be featured on your website and when.
    Item Popularity by Geographic Region - If you can find regional buying patterns in your customer base, you have a great opportunity for personalized, targeted mailings of specific products and product groups to each geographic region. Any time you can be more specific in your offering, your close percentage increases.

As you can see, each of these elements gives very valuable information that can help shape the future of this business and how it conducts itself on the web. It will dictate what new tools are needed, how data should be presented, whether or not a personal experience is justified (i.e. one that remembers you and presents itself based on your past interactions), how and when special sales should be run, what are good loss leaders, etc.

Although it can be quite a bit of work, data mining is a truly powerful way to dramatically increase your profit without incurring the cost of capturing new customers. The cost of being more responsive to an existing customer, making that customer feel welcome and selling that customer more product more often is far less costly than the cost of constantly getting new customers in a haphazard fashion.

Even applying the basic principles shared in this article, you will see a dramatic increase in your profits this coming year. And if you don't have good records, perhaps this is the time to start a system to track all this information. After all, you really don't want to be throwing all that extra money away, do you?


Monday 2 September 2013

Basics of Online Web Research, Web Mining & Data Extraction Services

The evolution of the World Wide Web and Search engines has brought the abundant and ever growing pile of data and information on our finger tips. It has now become a popular and important resource for doing information research and analysis.

Today, Web research services are becoming more and more complicated. It involves various factors such as business intelligence and web interaction to deliver desired results.

Web Researchers can retrieve web data using search engines (keyword queries) or browsing specific web resources. However, these methods are not effective. Keyword search gives a large chunk of irrelevant data. Since each webpage contains several outbound links it is difficult to extract data by browsing too.

Web mining is classified into web content mining, web usage mining and web structure mining. Content mining focuses on the search and retrieval of information from web. Usage mining extract and analyzes user behavior. Structure mining deals with the structure of hyperlinks.

Web mining services can be divided into three subtasks:

Information Retrieval (IR): The purpose of this subtask is to automatically find all relevant information and filter out irrelevant ones. It uses various Search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc and other resources to find the required information.

Generalization: The goal of this subtask is to explore users' interest using data extraction methods such as clustering and association rules. Since web data are dynamic and inaccurate, it is difficult to apply traditional data mining techniques directly on the raw data.

Data Validation (DV): It tries to uncover knowledge from the data provided by former tasks. Researcher can test various models, simulate them and finally validate given web information for consistency.


Sunday 1 September 2013

Data Entry Services in India Are Getting Famous in the World!

Outsourcing has become the most profitable business in the world. This business is growing in India and other part of the world. These services are getting famous in the world and most of the business owners are saving their lots of money by doing outsourcing to different countries where India comes in top in the outsourcing. By outsourcing your offline and online information entry jobs, your company will maintain properly organized and up-to-date records of the employees and other important stuff. These jobs are usually done in the home environment.

India is very popular in providing the BPO services for their customers. There is large scale of BPO service providers running their business in India. The employees working in these offices are also very competent and trained. Data entry services in India is very popular all around the world because of having the access of BPO experts and the web data extraction experts.

What these BPO services provide you?

There are many business across the globe running on the outsource services, BPO services in India provides the ease of life to the business owner want quick and fast data entry work.

There are many well reputed firms working in India and doing their best to finish and deliver comes punctually. They're professional well equipped with the newest technology and software and more importantly with the professional labor work. They are fully trained and expert in their niche so if a business owner take the services then they get the in time work and quality. When you will select any BPO expert then you will find the following data entry expertise in these professional companies.

1. You will find the handwritten material with the help of experts.
2. Knowledge entry of e-books, directories, image files and etc.
3. You will also get the best services of data processing.
4. Business card knowledge entry
5. Bills and survey services which will help you to Maintain and correct records.
6. Alpha numeric data entry services
7. Data entry free trails.

Thousand of online BPO jobs are also available on the Indian big job portals and other data entry work. These services and work force reduce your workload and will enhance your productivity of your business. Outsourcing the right choice by any business owner because it reduces your total cost and you get the perfect and reliable work. When you approach to any professional service provider firm in India then it reduce the turnaround time and you get the professional data entry services.
